People should keep their pets on their property…
Admittedly they do have uses
>So is theft of personal property.
It isn't theft if it is on someone else's property
>Animal hating niggers
Don't hate any animals.
Irresponsible libtard pet owners that think they have a right to let their pets roam freely on anyone's land….is another matter.
Keep your animals on your property.
Maybe need a pet mountain lion.
>So…It's okay if I shoot your dog if it crosses the property line?
Unfortunately it is legal, though not ok.
You seem to be fairly emotional about the subject and WWG1WGA doesn't include 4%-6% so you can just stop trying to equate that with this topic.
My indoor cat sat on my shoulders while typing and gaming (RIP).
Justifying the behavior of people who have no respect for their neighbors (pet owner is the responsible party) while being deranged over a hypothetical cat…see >>8342208
Ask the deer
>People can either be neighborly
You're assuming in this hypothetical that the other responsible party (pet owner) is a good neighbor.
Also depending which state, county you live in the laws are different.
>preventing cats from being cats.
Cats aren't the issue irresponsible pet owners are.
love pussy
>trap and steal the animal.
It isn't stealing you dense motherfucker
>Does that give me the right to butcher your cow, feed antifreeze to your purebred breeding dog, or ship your little girl's kitten off to a shelter?
None except the live trap were things this anon would do or suggest.
That is what you are TOLD to do by LAW here.
Livestock and Pets are not the same, and are handled differently under the law.
Go back to your knitting.
Spend my time planting trees and thing beneficial to wildlife (other sentient beings) to counter the Speciesists around us.