Anonymous ID: 2fdb5d March 7, 2020, 2:47 p.m. No.8343397   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3452

>>8343089 Don't know what POTUS & Team think of Putin's move, but I have no problem with it. If the US shale producers go tits up (they will), the banks who loaned them start up money will eat it hard. Likely after DJT is reelected. Maybe our people want to protect the banks from this, due to systemic risk. But that risk is going to blow up anyway. We have cold fusion power coming, and constitutional money in the works. Let the Saudis & all the other 3rd world shitholes that have received great & unmerited profits from the oil beneath their feet, for a century, go belly up and revert to their true status. Wildly overextended financially? Cry me a river while you run from your starving populace, which is multiples of what it should be, due to that now exhausted gravy train.

Anonymous ID: 2fdb5d March 7, 2020, 3:23 p.m. No.8343600   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>8343452 They couldn't make it, even with the oil. Nothing is ever going to replace that incredible stream of wealth. Cheap water, fusion, & a partially trained populace is something to work with, but the population of the US is indeed going to buckle down, as are other places. Saudi is going to have to cut back their big plans for a mega city, etc. MBS's face in that image with Putin said it all. A far cry from the day they were doing high fives.