Anonymous ID: a3b33d March 7, 2020, 4:02 p.m. No.8343854   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4111

>>8343177>>8343303 >>8343367 >>8343378 >>8343447 >>8343563 >>8343609

she is such a fukin piece of crap

Crooked Hillary Clinton Comes Unglued: “I’M MOST INNOCENT PERSON IN AMERICA”


“Appearing on CNN, Bill Clinton claims that the millions the Clintons made from speeches paid for by foreign individuals and entities who had business before Hillary’s State Department were innocent and coincidental.

“[Hillary] was pretty busy those years,” Clinton said. “I never saw her study a list of my contributors, and I had no idea who was doing business before the State Department.”

Bill added: “No one has ever asked me for anything…I never thought about whether there was any overlap.”

Besides, as Bill explained, in a Bloomberg interview last week, “Has anybody proved that we did anything objectionable? No.”


Guys you do realize the WJC said no one has proved they’ve done anything wrong, and they made a mistake here. William Barr was part of the Clinton impeachment, by WJC saying that he he just riled up the US Attorney General of the USA, WJC should have left out that last line, anyone involved at that time would have been so pissed. William Barr is not a reflexive AG, he just plods away, making sure they have evidence to prove a case. WJC might have made the worst mistake of his life