Anonymous ID: 177d3a March 7, 2020, 10:35 p.m. No.8346405   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6423


Good report anon.

Very interesting history.

It looks like we have a virus, and may well have a bacteria. It crossed my mind that the dead pigs might have something to do with the outbreak.

Wuhan has suffered the worst. The ground reports showed that they were locking people into those high rise apartments, even welding the doors shut.

I suspect that many are starving now, if food is scarce. I also know from a contact in Hong Kong, that more people are dying from police who get bonuses for killing people, than from the virus.

Numerous reports of incinerators burning 500 bodies a day, prolly the same incinerators used to burn the pigs.

Now that we can begin to connect the dots, I am thinking we have some kind of civil war going on in the Communist party there, and some are just using the virus as excuse to execute their perceived enemies, with the population of innocents caught in the middle.

There is more going on to kill people in China, than just this illness.

This might explain why the virus kills less people outside of China.

China using it for covert war, globalists using it to attempt to crash the American economy, and Trump dealing with it to show Americans the truth about the enemies of America, and the danger of relying on communists for your supply chain.

Anonymous ID: 177d3a March 7, 2020, 10:47 p.m. No.8346472   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Center for Information Dominance ?


Hadn't ever heard the term. Had to look it up anon.

Center for Information Warfare Training (CIWT) officially changed its name from Center for Information Dominance (CID) to CIWT.

The Center for Information Warfare Training (CIWT) delivers trained information warfare professionals to the Navy and joint services, enabling optimal performance of information warfare across the full spectrum of military operations.


This is just a surface scratch for a definition, and I am only civilian scientist, so, are you asking if the US military is controlling the narratives at the moment?


I sure hope so.

I think the US military is about the only chance the world has at survival at the moment. The "Globalists" appear to want a world Communist global government.


Can you imagine if the whole world was run top down by evil jerks willing to repeat the incineration and murder of the population for it's own power, annually?



Seems every generation has to learn about the realities of Communism, by watching millions of people be murdered by this system of government, somewhere on the planet, doesn't it?


This is the eye opener for Americans who missed the cold war, I guess.

Anonymous ID: 177d3a March 7, 2020, 11:02 p.m. No.8346534   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6544


Hey anon.

On the off chance you happen to have a buddy in the military who's ear you could bend?


For the sake of our troops at least, could you ask someone to check into the recently invented Far UVC 222 nanometer safe germicidal lamp for use in our VA hospitals?


Our guys come back with a lot of wounds.

Hospitals are plagued with antibiotic resistant disease…. MRSA, CDiff.


This thing has a huge potential for these kinds of injuries.

This thing has the potential to send bio-weapons manufacturing plants the way of the buggy whip.

There is a ted talk that explains the physics.

It's already being tested in hospitals.


Look up a little company called Ushimo. There is an American branch. Lots of peer reviewed research.

Just a message in a bottle, in case someone picks up.
