Chris where the fuck are you, come to the math board
Paging Chris, look at the nice math pictures, wake up and come to the math board
Breakfast time in the UK, wake up and get on the internet math guy, there are people waiting for you
endxab, (d+n)(d+n)-(x+n)(x+n), ((a+b)/2)-d, blah blah blah math
Fishing for Chris, waiting for him to get on the internet, math math math, blah blah blah
More math bait, where the fuck is Chris, Riemann zeta function, difference of two squares, etc etc
Still waiting for Chris to turn up eventually and see this and come to the other board, more pretty math pictures for visual appeal
God damn it where the fuck is Chris this is the one day when he actually does anything
Okay great, who are you and are these pictures relevant to VQC in some way
If you aren't going to say anything I'm going to stop replying to your posts