Those niggas in mclean and arlington are so fucking mortgaged to the hilt, if they miss one salary deposit, they will have to go live in their parent's houses all over again.
All those porches, ferraris, ashton martins?
What amazed me the most when I began working in this area is the SHEER DELUSION.
No, your taxes are not even close to being high (6% nigga 6% sales).
No, that 300k penhouse in arlington ain't the most expensive thing you will ever see.
No, that 50 bucks off your monthly payment ain't going to save your budget.
No, your kid ain't nothing special.
"Please speak your damned mind, cuck (I have personally never seen so many pussy cucks of so many different color all together scared to shit in the same place)."
Don't get me wrong either, you don't have to be a rich lib to be a cuck.
'poor' bitches are just as rotten, spoiled, and retarded as their 'rich' cousins.
They all sound like they got fucking baseball bat up their asses.
holy hell.
I finally understood why our country was in such deep shit.