>>834816 ( last bread)
Let's start a Dear Q letter. None of us will benefit from the tax plan because we don't fit in the Corporate World. We will remain the forgotten men if we don't express our needs. We were left out of an education because we were different than the other kids in school and considered a problem. We fell through the cracks because we didn't march in line and think like everyone else. We face those same issues in the work force. POTUS respects entrepreneurial spirits and that is part of his attraction to us. We have that spirit but lack the environment to welcome or include us. We have been put down and shamed for being different all of our lives, yet it is US who are here trying to help make a better life for everyone. POTUS will never know what he can do for us to make our lives benefit from his Presidency unless we tell him. I suspect he would embrace an idea to bring on new entrepreneurs who were born for that life.