Anonymous ID: 8e9e43 March 8, 2020, 10:31 a.m. No.8349241   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9247 >>9269 >>9734

‘Open your gates’: Erdogan tells Greece how to ‘fix’ migrant standoff


Greece should follow Turkey's suit and simply “open the gates” for migrants amassed at the Turkish-Greek border, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said, insisting that thousands of people would simply go to other EU countries.

Erdogan shared his wisdom on how to free Athens from the refugee “burden” while speaking in Istanbul on Sunday.


Hey Greece! I appeal to you… open the gates as well and be free of this burden. Let them go to other European countries.


Turkey's president also confirmed he will travel to Brussels on Monday to discuss the migrant situation with the head honchos of the EU, expressing hopes he will return from the meeting “with different outcomes.”


Erdogan's insights on how to fix the migrant standoff – that he has created himself – might not actually come in handy for Greece, as it vowed to keep the border closed while suspending the reception of asylum applications for a month altogether.


The country shares borders only with two other EU states – Italy and Bulgaria, having a land one only with the latter. Both of them have quite a tough stance on migration and will definitely not be very pleased if Greece somehow decides to follow Erdogan's advice. Other EU states have accused Erdogan of using the migrants as a weapon and a blackmail tool as well


The new migrant standoff began late in February when Turkey opened its borders for migrants, claiming it was no longer able to sustain the burden. The move breached the 2016 agreement with the EU, when Turkey promised to not let the migrants into Europe in return for some €6 billion ($6.8 billion) to help resettle the displaced people. Turkey, however, accused the EU of failing to keep its financial promises.


Thousands of people have amassed at the Turkish-Greek border, trying to break into the EU – only to get turned away by Greek police and border guards. Athens accused Ankara of deliberately pushing the migrants into the country and even of assisting them in illegally crossing the borders. Clashes between the migrants and Greek law enforcement have been going on at the border for over a week already

Anonymous ID: 8e9e43 March 8, 2020, 10:34 a.m. No.8349255   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9269 >>9734 >>9841

Israel Deploys Teens & Army To Combat Virus As Health Ministry Says "Tens Of Thousands" Will Be Infected


As government emergency response plans around the globe become more militarized in efforts to contain the spread of Covid-19, with China and Iran previously being the first to call up military units to both assist in testing and quarantining suspected cases, Israel has now announced stepped-up drastic action.


Bloomberg reports Sunday that "Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu plans to deploy the military and an army of teenagers to help fight the coronavirus. He’s also weighing putting parts of the U.S. on a travel blacklist."


Tel Aviv's logic is apparently young people, which happen to make up the vast majority of enlisted and lower officer ranks in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), are less susceptible to the virus and most often only experience it as a mild flu-like sickness.

Israel has already moved to block entry into the country for foreigners coming from current virus epicenters and hot zones, including from some European countries. The country has seen 25 confirmed cases as of the weekend and an estimated 80,000 citizens ordered to self-quarantine in their homes, according to Health Ministry figures.


Per Bloomberg, military personnel will focus efforts on disinfecting high trafficked gathering spaces and to deliver medical supplies, which is to include use of the air force:


Young people and the army will be mobilized to disinfect public spaces such as railway and bus stations with bleach. Netanyahu is putting them on the front line after concluding “the pandemic is not afflicting children or young people.”


Netanyahu has been one of the few world leaders to bluntly call the virus a “global pandemic,” something the WHO has thus far controversially refrained from doing.


The Israeli minister claims “the pandemic is not afflicting children or young people” and is thus mobilizing the mostly young IDF enlisted ranks:

Anonymous ID: 8e9e43 March 8, 2020, 10:38 a.m. No.8349279   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hillary Clinton Praises Joe Biden for Building the “Same Coalition” She Did


Last week Hillary’s biography was released on Hulu.


Now she’s out making the rounds trashing Bernie and praising Clueless Joe Biden.


Hillary Clinton: What Joe Biden’s victories on Super Tuesday show is that he is building the kind of coalition that I had basically.

Anonymous ID: 8e9e43 March 8, 2020, 10:42 a.m. No.8349308   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9734

Saudi Arabia Starts All-Out Oil War: MbS Destroys OPEC By Flooding Market, Slashing Oil Prices


With the commodity world still smarting from the Nov 2014 Saudi decision to (temporarily) break apart OPEC, and flood the market with oil in (failed) hopes of crushing US shale producers (who survived thanks to generous banks extending loan terms and even more generous buyers of junk bonds), which nonetheless resulted in a painful manufacturing recession as the price of Brent cratered as low as the mid-$20's in late 2015/early 2016, on Saturday, Saudi Arabia launched its second scorched earth, or rather scorched oil campaign in 6 years. And this time there will be blood.

Anonymous ID: 8e9e43 March 8, 2020, 10:44 a.m. No.8349316   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9734

Q: World War Z! The BioWar on You and Me!


Ordo Ab Cho is the Latin phrase for “Order Out of Chaos”. According to basic Illuminati or higher Masonic dogma, the New World Order will result after a period of choreographed chaos, which the state will probably implement through war and bloodshed. Masonic initiates who progress and ultimately attain the 33rd degree receive a jewel with the inscription “Ordo Ab Chao,” surrounded with three interlocking triangles.


Professor Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, a Freemason and a political and social scientist at the University of Berlin (1817-1831), maintained that man could shape history and achieve ultimate peace only through repetitive episodes of controlled conflict between opposing forces. Hegel advocated the idea that men must create, manipulate and manage that conflict in order to create a pre-determined outcome – the controlled change, the synthesis.


Bible Prophesies Chaos Ahead – The present turmoil we find ourselves in is child’s play compared to the world upheaval just ahead as foretold in the Bible. The prophecy of Revelation 9:15 simply says: “And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men.”

Anonymous ID: 8e9e43 March 8, 2020, 10:48 a.m. No.8349351   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9503 >>9565 >>9617 >>9734

Spying or oppo research? Blackwater boogeyman Prince accused of helping Project Veritas infiltrate political campaigns & unions


The left is suddenly shocked to find ‘opposition research’ taken to a ‘whole new level’ amid claims that notorious Blackwater founder Erik Prince hired ex-spies to train Project Veritas agents to infiltrate liberal organizations.

Prince, the former head of Blackwater Worldwide and brother to Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, recruited both ex-British and American spies to help in undercover operations run by Project Veritas, according to a report from the New York Times. Prince’s activities were discovered through documents from the discovery process in a legal battle between Veritas and the American Federation of Teachers, the second largest teacher’s labor union in the US.


The documents show Prince ran a 2017 operation where a former MI6 officer named Richard Seddon made copies of files and secret recordings at a Michigan office for the teacher’s union. Prince also led an operation to infiltrate the 2018 congressional campaign of Democrat Abigail Spanberger. The person planted in the campaign was eventually found out and removed.


The supposed dealings are nothing new to anyone aware of Project Veritas’ history of embarrassing and discrediting Democrats and progressive organizations. The conservative group is famous for undercover videos of mainstream media figures or campaign staffers for left-wing candidates like Bernie Sanders.


Veritas founder James O’Keefe did not address the Prince connection directly, but he did maintain that no one directs what his organization covers, which he describes as a “proud independent news organization.”


While the Times report’s only “shocking” revelation is Veritas’ connection to Prince, the left appears to have found their new boogeyman, or “Bond villain,” as one Daily Beast writer put it

Anonymous ID: 8e9e43 March 8, 2020, 10:50 a.m. No.8349374   🗄️.is 🔗kun

End the Fed


In response to the potential economic downturn in the economy arising from the spread of the Coronavirus, the Federal Reserve dropped the federal funds rate by half a point — to a range of 1% to 1.25%. Ironically, after the Fed’s announcement, the stock market dropped 786 points or 2.9%.


The Fed’s aim is to stimulate economic activity. By lowering interest rates, the idea is to get businesses to expand operations with more loans and to get consumers to go deeper into debt by purchasing more items.


The result of the Fed’s artificial economic “boost” will be the same as it has been since the Fed was established in 1913: a bubble of malinvestment and consumer loan defaults that will end up plunging the country in a bubble-bursting recession or even depression.


That’s because genuine prosperity in a country cannot be generated by central bank manipulations. If that were the case, every country on earth would be characterized by ever-growing standards of living. In fact, a central bank does the exact opposite — it lowers a nation’s standard of living through its artificial manipulations of interest rates and its expansion and contraction of the money supply.


The never-ending cycle of monetary crises and chaos shouldn’t surprise anyone. The Federal Reserve is a socialist institution, in that it is based on the socialist concept of central planning. A central bank consists of a board of government commissars who have the responsibility of planning the monetary affairs of hundreds of millions of people.


It cannot be done. Socialism is an inherently defective economic system. It produces monetary crises and chaos, which is what we have seen in the United States since the Fed was established in 1913.

Anonymous ID: 8e9e43 March 8, 2020, 10:53 a.m. No.8349395   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9734

Dead-beat Biden? Hunter fails to turn over financial documents in child support case


He 'has no respect for this Court'


Dead-beat Biden?


The mother of Hunter Biden's Arkansas son has filed a motion asking the state to hold him in contempt of court after the son of the former vice president failed to turn over documents detailing the nature of his finances in a child support law suit. Hunter Biden — who is renting a $12,000 per month 2000-square-foot house in Beverly Hills where he has been seen driving around a Porsche Panamera — has previously said he has no source of income.

Anonymous ID: 8e9e43 March 8, 2020, 10:59 a.m. No.8349456   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Delingpole: Wikipedia Airbrushes List of Climate Sceptic Scientists Out of History


Wikipedia has deleted its ‘List of Scientists Who Disagree with the Scientific Consensus on Global Warming’.


Stalin — who set the template for airbrushing inconvenient people out of history — would no doubt have heartily approved of this wanton act of censorship.


But what would probably have pleased him more is the magnificently twisted justification offered by the editor responsible.


“The result was delete. This is because I see a consensus here that there is no value in having a list that combines the qualities of a) being a scientist, in the general sense of that word, and b) disagreeing with the scientific consensus on global warming.”


What this Wikipedia editor is saying, in other words, is that if you’re a scientist who doesn’t believe in global warming then that automatically makes you not a scientist.


In fact many tens of thousands of scientists are sceptical of catastrophic man-made global warming theory, including some of the most eminent experts in the field, among them physicists Dr Richard Lindzen of MIT and Dr Will Happer of Princeton.


But the kind of intolerant leftists who tend to edit Wikipedia pages don’t want you to know this.


Their archived debate as to whether the ‘List of Scientists Who Disagree with the Scientific Consensus on Global Warming’ offers a fascinating, if not exactly surprising, insight into their mindset.


The editors variously refer to these often eminent scientists as “cranks” and “a club of fools”.


One says:


Cranks are well-known to maintain such lists of authoritative-sounding people to bolster their own legitimacy, and this list is just another in this genre. Long past time to kill it.


Another says:


The list is synthesis to mislead the reader into thinking there is significant doubt about the reality of global warming.


This one really, really fancies himself. His contribution is probably best read in the voice of Comic Book Guy from The Simpsons, whom I’d also guess he physically resembles:

Anonymous ID: 8e9e43 March 8, 2020, 11:04 a.m. No.8349512   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9530 >>9734

Italy Imposes China-style Quarantine on 16m People In Attempt to Contain Coronavirus


Italy has shut down the entire region of Lombardy and an additional 14 northern and central provinces, quarantining a quarter of the nation’s population, as the country faces the worst outbreak of the Wuhan coronavirus in Europe.


Over 16 million people, including those in Milan and Venice, will be banned from travelling, barring those with special permission, under the government’s strict quarantine measures.

Public spaces such as schools, nightclubs, museums, gyms, ski resorts, and swimming pools will all be closed until at least April 3rd.


Large events such as weddings, funerals, and cultural and religious events will also be banned during the quarantine, according to to the BBC.


Restaurants and cafes will be permitted to be open between six in the morning and six in the evening, but customers will be forced to sit at least one meter (3 feet) apart from each other.


Those who break the quarantine restrictions will face up to three months in prison.


Announcing the measures early Sunday morning, the Prime Minister of Italy, Guiseppe Conte, said: “We want to guarantee the health of our citizens. We understand that these measures will impose sacrifices, sometimes small and sometimes very big.”


“But this is a time where we must take responsibility for ourselves,” he added.


The quarantine measures enacted in Italy are the most extreme outside of China, where the virus originated. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) sealed off the entire province of Hubei, the epicentre of the outbreak, quarantining an estimated 56 million people.


Italy has faced the largest outbreak of the virus in Europe, with the number of infected increasing by over 1,200 on Saturday alone, bringing the total to 5,883.


The death toll in Italy is also the largest outside of China, reaching 233, with 36 more people dying from the virus in a 24-hour span.

Luca Zaia, the president of the Veneto region, which is home to Venice, criticised the government’s drastic measures and the imposition of a “red zone”.


“I’m against curfew. What they are doing internationally — describing us as the new Wuhan, is rather scandalous. We have been the most careful in diagnosing,” Zaia said in comments reported by the Financial Times.

Anonymous ID: 8e9e43 March 8, 2020, 11:08 a.m. No.8349544   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9625 >>9734

Pharmaceutical Companies to Infect Volunteers with Coronavirus for $4,500


Pharmaceutical companies expect to soon begin paying “human guinea pigs” £3,500 (upwards of $4,500) to be infected with the coronavirus in a race to discover a vaccine for the disease, The Times reports.


More than 20 firms and public sector organizations are taking part in a global experiment to infect up to 24 people at a time in the hope of finding a vaccine for Covid-19 that can be used by next winter.


With co-funding from Chinese pharmaceuticals firms, the United Kingdom-based Hvivo Company, a filial of Open Orphan, has sought permission from the British Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency to begin testing on humans.


The paid volunteers will be infected with two milder strains of coronavirus, 0C43 and 229E, and then kept in quarantine at Hvivo’s laboratory at Queen Mary BioEnterprises Innovation Centre in east London, according to The Times.


The infected patients will allow pharmaceuticals firms to test the efficacy of antiviral medications in a safe environment.


The Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), which was established in response to the Ebola outbreaks of 2014-2016, is sponsoring four vaccine projects to try to speed up the process of developing an inoculation against the coronavirus. In early February, the CEO of CEPI, Richard Hatchett, said the group hoped to start clinical testing for a new vaccine in just 16 weeks.


“It is increasingly clear that containment measures for COVID-19 can only slow down its spread and the virus is now entering a stage of unprecedented threat in terms of its global impact,” Hatchett said.


“It is critical that we … invest in the development of a vaccine that will prevent people from getting sick,” he said.


Mr. Hatchett said that the development of a workable vaccine could cost upwards of $2 billion.


According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), there are more than 20 potential vaccines in development. The profits for pharmaceutical companies who successfully produce a vaccine could be enormous, The Times noted, as the French drugmaker Sanofi, one of the world’s foremost producers of vaccines, made $2.5 billion selling flu vaccines last year.

Anonymous ID: 8e9e43 March 8, 2020, 11:31 a.m. No.8349734   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9751



>>8349104 Biden Supporter Steals “Joe Biden Is a Pervert” Sign from Pro-Trump Filmmaker and Runs Off – Is Quickly Cuffed and Arrested

>>8349118 Gates Foundation to help with coronavirus testing in Seattle

>>8349140 Prince Andrew has hired Britain’s “most formidable” extradition lawyer to protect him against an FBI inquiry

>>8349241 ‘Open your gates’: Erdogan tells Greece how to ‘fix’ migrant standoff

>>8349255 Israel Deploys Teens & Army To Combat Virus As Health Ministry Says "Tens Of Thousands" Will Be Infected

>>8349264 NYCHA worker fired for investigating falsified elevator safety records: suit

>>8349308 Saudi Arabia Starts All-Out Oil War: MbS Destroys OPEC By Flooding Market, Slashing Oil Prices

>>8349316 Q: World War Z! The BioWar on You and Me! video

>>8349351 Blackwater boogeyman Prince accused of helping Project Veritas infiltrate political campaigns & unions

>>8349359 Northern Italian region protests massive quarantine over coronavirus

>>8349395 Hunter fails to turn over financial documents in child support case

>>8349407 Meadows – Chairman Burr now supports Ratcliffe for DNI…

>>8349434 Trump refuses to attend St. Patrick's Day lunch at Capitol this week in major snub to host Nancy Pelosi

>>8349512 Italy Imposes China-style Quarantine on 16m People In Attempt to Contain Coronavirus

>>8349544 Pharmaceutical Companies to Infect Volunteers with Coronavirus for $4,500

>>8349546 Du Pont heir dodged prison for raping 3-year-old daughter after judge ruled he 'would not fare well' behind bars

>>8349668 Phoenix business leader, political adviser dies after setting himself on fire

>>8349701 Indicted Alabama sheriff hospitalized ahead of trial, tested for coronavirus, lawyers say


When clowns bake this what gets left behind