Anonymous ID: 5760f4 March 8, 2020, 1:56 p.m. No.8350814   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0859



Hope he lives long enough to be GITMO'd.


$7-Billion-9/11-Profit Larry Silverstein has had Parkinson's for over 15 years.

(close friend of his told me back then)

Anonymous ID: 5760f4 March 8, 2020, 2:11 p.m. No.8350916   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0938 >>0950 >>0966 >>1031 >>1049 >>1179


New Yorker here. I was glued to the TV all day on 9/11, and the day after.


I remember seeing it announced on local TV News that Building 7 was "weakened by debris fallen onto it, and was going to be demolished".


So it was a planned demolition and announced on TV Networks.


Why do so many people think that it "fell down by itself"? lots of ytube vids claim that too.


Nobody in NYC thinks that, because it was planned for demolition the next day, for structural weakness due to debris falling onto Bldg 7's roof.

Anonymous ID: 5760f4 March 8, 2020, 2:18 p.m. No.8350969   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0976 >>0986 >>1217



nope. I was watching CBS News, and it was announced .

iirc it was the day or 2 after, at 5pm. Very specific, then TV coverage of the demolition.


"they" never said "down the road". you're not a New Yorker.

I will remember forever.

Anonymous ID: 5760f4 March 8, 2020, 2:24 p.m. No.8351002   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1059



On 9/10 Donald Rumsfeld announced the "Missing" $2.3 TRILLION Dollars.


Bldg 7 housed Govt office that held documents pertaining to the missing $2.3 Trillion Dollars.

Conveniently destroyed.


The Port Authority office was also in Bldg. 7. NY Port Authority owns the land that the Twin Towers were on.

Anonymous ID: 5760f4 March 8, 2020, 2:38 p.m. No.8351094   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1117



Remember that the UK is 5 hours ahead of New York time.

The demolition time was planned and announced in NYC, so the BBC reported it a short time before.


Bldg 7 DID NOT JUST "FALL" by itself. That's the altered over 19 years story.


When you consider that the time of demolition was Announced on TV Networks, the BBC did Not "predict" the building "falling down randomly".

The public was given the exact time of demolition, at least in NYC News.

Anonymous ID: 5760f4 March 8, 2020, 2:47 p.m. No.8351148   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Bldg 7 was Demolished. It was announced on MSM with the exact time of demolition.


Somehow over 19 years, non-New Yorkers changed the story to "it just collapsed", NO it didn't, It was pre-planned and announced to the public.

BBC announced it a bit before, because Britain is 5 hours ahead of NYC.


The fallacy is people claiming the BBC "predicted" it before it collapsed.

No New Yorker thinks that because it was all over the News.

Anonymous ID: 5760f4 March 8, 2020, 2:57 p.m. No.8351219   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1229 >>1233 >>1251 >>1282 >>1307 >>1344 >>1389 >>1395



Jesus Christ, it was on the News. Bldg 7 was announced that

"DEBRIS FELL ONTO ITS ROOF" from the Twin Towers, rendering Bldg. 7 structurally unsafe.

Day and Time of Bldg 7 was announced on all MSM, TV, Newspapers.


You are obviously NOT A NEW YORKER.


This is not a "belief", these are the facts as I saw on local TV news and newspapers.


Bldg 7 DID NOT FALL on 9/11. so your assumptions are very very confused. because you weren't here in Manhattan those 3 days.


It is you who has issues. because you have Bad "Facts".


No New Yorker believes that Bldg 7 "fell from fires".

You're conflating the excuse for the Twin Towers Falling with Bldg 7.


It's the Twin Towers that the Cabal MSM claims "fell from the fires from the Jet Fuel".

Anonymous ID: 5760f4 March 8, 2020, 3:11 p.m. No.8351320   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I remember watching the News Networks showing the demolition of Bldg 7.

I tuned in that day to see it, so it was publicly announced as a Demolition. whether it was shortly after or later.


No MSM said that Bldg 7 just fell from fires. that's what they said happened to the Twin Towers.

Somehow people have conflated the Twin Towers with Bldg 7 "falling from fires".


BTW, my friend owns a construction co. and it doesn't take long to rig a bldg to demolish it. and they may have pre-rigged it, and that's why Donald Rumsfeld announced on 9/10 the missing 2.3 Trillion Dollars.


What you're so sure of, falling by itself from fire, is not true.


Point is, the Demolition was Announced on MSM, with the exact time. Then the demolition was shown as a demolition.


No New Yorker thinks tthat Bldg 7 just collapsed by itself.

I have a family member who worked in one of the WTC buildings, and a friend whose brother worked and died in the North Tower.