Anonymous ID: 7bdee6 March 8, 2020, 1:59 p.m. No.8350830   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0873 >>0962

Matt Schlapp, who shook Trump’s hand, interacted with CPAC attendee with coronavirus


The chairman of the American Conservative Union acknowledged he interacted with a Conservative Political Action Conference attendee who tested positive for the coronavirus. Matt Schlapp told the Washington Post on Saturday he had an interaction with the infected attendee, though it’s unclear when the two had some form of contact. He later told Fox & Friends Weekend on Sunday that he had "incidental contact" with the attendee "very briefly." Schlapp appeared on stage with President Trump on the final day of the conference and shook his hand. In a tweet, Schlapp said the infected attendee did not attend the conference on Saturday, the day Trump gave remarks. “I think we have to be calm and see what occurs here and hope our friend gets better,” Schlapp said.


White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham said neither Trump nor Vice President Mike Pence was “close proximity to the attendee.” “I’m not concerned at all,” Trump said Saturday about the possibility that the coronavirus could spread to those who work at the White House. Schlapp added that he saw Trump wash his hands at the conference. "And I did the same, by the way. As I said, we had these hand sanitizer stations everywhere. My wife was squirting Purell in my hands every moment. We were all washing," he said. Schlapp is the husband of Mercedes Schlapp, who worked as Trump's White House director of strategic communications before joining the president's reelection campaign last year.


According to the World Health Organization, the virus spreads through respiratory droplets when someone coughs. Researchers aren’t sure how long droplets of the new coronavirus remain infectious, but similar coronaviruses can survive on surfaces for a few hours or up to several days, WHO said. As of Saturday evening, there were at least 437 coronavirus cases in the United States, and 19 people had died.

Anonymous ID: 7bdee6 March 8, 2020, 2:26 p.m. No.8351019   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1038 >>1042 >>1078 >>1086 >>1187 >>1307 >>1389 >>1395

Donald Trump Skipping Nancy Pelosi’s St. Patrick’s Day Luncheon


President Donald Trump has decided to skip the annual Congressional St. Patrick’s Day lunch on Capitol Hill, according to Politico‘s Playbook.


“Since the Speaker [of the House Nancy Pelosi] has chosen to tear this Nation apart with her actions and her rhetoric, the President will not participate in moments where she so often chooses to drive discord and disunity, and will instead celebrate the rich history and strong ties between the United States and Ireland at the White House on March 12,” White House deputy press secretary Judd Deere said in a statement. The annual lunch on Capitol Hill takes place around St. Patrick’s Day in addition to a White House meeting with the Prime Minister of Ireland and a White House reception where the Taoiseach traditionally gives the president a bowl of shamrocks.


The Congressional luncheon is an ongoing tradition started by House Speaker Tip O’Neill in 1983, who invited President Ronald Reagan to Capitol Hill for the occasion. But the relationship between Trump and Pelosi has deteriorated, particularly after she ripped up the president’s speech at his 2020 State of the Union address. She also removed the words “high privilege” and “distinct honor” for the traditional introduction of the president at Congress at the beginning of his speech. At last year’s St. Patrick’s Day celebration, Pelosi needled Trump on immigration at the reception by pointedly quoting former President Ronald Reagan and O’Neill on the issue.


Nancy Pelosi Needles Donald Trump on Immigration at St. Patrick’s Day Celebration