Anonymous ID: 006aa9 March 8, 2020, 7 p.m. No.8353244   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>8351917 (PB)

I understand what he is saying and agree. Nuance is getting lost. Sry.

At this point she may have become the only alternative of rank and file Dems. They thought they were making choices … and they were … but the outcome was predetermined.

>>8351908 (PB0

Our economic recovery does not depend on high fuel prices. The fuel industry is a relatively small employer overall. Our recovery is, however, dependent on lower fuel prices (and a better educated workforce!). Lower cost to produce goods and services and then deliver them means more jobs overall.

>>8352028 (PB)

Taxes are "whack a mole". Lost fuel taxes return as increased income and sales taxes.

>>8352104 (PB)!_signal

Anonymous ID: 006aa9 March 8, 2020, 7:35 p.m. No.8353557   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Was sent home from Community College after being told not to fuck with the Arabs (Dearborn, MI). When I watched one of the towers lean out and then CORRECT back to a vertical drop, I had no illusions – this was a controlled demolition. Once the forward motion started, the only thing that could stop it was for the back side to be immediately weakened more, even though the mass and inertia were in favor of the side already falling outward. There was no reason why the back side, which had LESS force being applied, should fail fast enough to correct for the lean on the opposite side.