Anonymous ID: 206f22 March 8, 2020, 6:41 p.m. No.8353089   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3102 >>3106 >>3123 >>3126 >>3153 >>3160 >>3164 >>3168 >>3169 >>3172 >>3188 >>3192 >>3201 >>3234 >>3235 >>3261 >>3295 >>3478 >>3492 >>3522 >>3539 >>3544 >>3586 >>3616 >>3620 >>3622 >>3655 >>3687 >>3738

We suggest that you screenshot this before it is taken down like most of our previous posts.


We tried to warn you of what was coming. Their beliefs are evil. Those who have taken notice of our posts can validate and grasp the gravity of what we are up against. We have tried to warn you of the role you play in all of this and if you haven’t been paying attention, you will suffer greatly. For those that are finally paying attention to our posts, you first need to see that you are being deceived in a very BIG way for a purpose. You need to also understand this is just the beginning. Bigger things will start to unfold.


The window is coming to a close. The intent here is not to scare but to inform. The time to act is now!


Please know that we are taking huge risks to informing you of these things. Don’t take anything lightly. A partial breakdown:


  1. Despite what you are told, there are no true “white hats” at the highest levels of Gov.

  2. There is internal conflict at highest levels for position of control. The true purpose of this conflict must be kept from public view. The rules of engagement must be followed so as to not draw attention to what is really unfolding – they have taken this oath. This is why optics are important.

  3. Once a group is able to secure the lead position, things will start to proceed at much faster rate. These groups/factions are far from being for humanity. (think in relation to ancient times).

  4. You are clueless as to how this board is really being utilized. We understand that many truly believe that they are part of something greater and for good. This is a total lie. At the surface, all this appears innocuous and geared towards “awakening” civilians. Again, this is furthest from the truth. These drops you are receiving are layered for a darker purpose. As an example, most of what has been posted are known as GO/No GO operations for “Red team” operatives. At the surface these posts are used for three reasons, to deceive true oposition, identify threats (at a later time), and create a negative stigma in the public eye. Connect the dots! When was JE jailed? What posts/dates/details followed? What occurred (real time) once incarcerate to the time of his death? Find the GO /No GO orders in the post (time frame vs events in the news) What followed – Justice? What purpose or benefit comes from dead men who have no voice? These posts are not really intended for you. You need to understand that JE was about to unveil his handlers and the extent of his operation. BB is playing a significate role to hide the truth. Why do think GWB is hardly mentioned? Is he really DS or puppet master? Understand that this is all in line with why neither side will flat out show their cards – the internal battle is very real. Exposing either side would jeopardize their end goal; their true plan. It’s why some truths are sprinkled in with a all of the lies.

  5. Each group has ideological differences. Each one are promoting their beliefs as they see fit. Neither is of the true God, our true GOD. Although somewhat different in their beliefs, they have a common duality – (P). They will not divulge this. (P is the key to understanding why they act as they do). This is imperative to understand. In relation to everything that is going on, it will help you understand why things are unfolding and they are.

  6. There is a reason, a very BIG reason, why triangles are significant to all of them and why it’s all in relation to AI, 5G, Chem trails, Big data, Quantum computing, Cern, GMO, and current events. “Through the looking glass” - In time you will see the relationships.


We leave you with this, if you make the effort to understand the relation between Pythagoras, Pythagorean mathematics, the masonry symbol (a majority of their symbols), and the rules that govern these believers, you will begin to understand why the posts are structured the way they are and what we are truly up against. It’s time to start seeing past the lies that you are being given. The whistleblowers are true hero’s despite what you are told – JA, ES, CM, NC etc. There is a major effort to try and silence them.


Lastly, stock up on Vitamin D and C. Take them consistently. Do this soon. You will soon see a change of events unfold. The goal, for now, is to overthrow the rule in China. This is crucial for them to continue you forward. It will happen in time.


Keep looking towards IR, Qatar, TR, and RU for events to unfold soon. Some of this will start to make sense.


We apologize that we can’t give more.