3 buildings anon
never forget Building 7…… that wasnt even hit by a plane
>ummmm, yeah….
plain jane vanilla buildings like Bldg7 dont have a "key support". they rely on distributed framework. see OKC for what happens when certain supports fail. only sections and those directly tied to them will fail. the rest remains in place.
and no, generic fires have never caused a western constructed building like that to collapse
building 7 was demo-ed. no question about it.
those and the several hundred ones that go with them
but, you know, in order to get permits, copies of plans have to be submitted to the City
maybe some enterprising anon in the NYC vicinity could take a looksy.
butt hurt much clown?
that building is clear as day
controlled demo
hopefully, Q plan and God willing, every rat bastard piece of shit who was part of it will fucking SWING on national TV
self, what did the BBC mean when they broadcast that building 7 had collapsed before it had?
self, what did they mean when they said "pull it", shortly before the building collapsed?
self, what are my lying eyes telling me as I watch that video?
self, was my professor lying when we took statics class?
I agree 911 was a demo job
but drop the melt temperature thing. it undermines your cred.
steel seriously loses its strength in the 800° to 1100° range, way way before it gets to melting temperature
suffice to say, that the supports didnt get to that temperature, simultaneously, without help