(lb) hypersadist fart huffers get high on adrenochrome to forget how tarded their face really is
looks like hell
thank god nothing fucks hillary clinton still
day old microwaved spaghetti
maybe the "queer thoughts" seo script is working for the "flat turd earth texas" snowflakes
>maybe the "queer thoughts" seo script is working for the "flat turd earth texas" snowflakes
maybe muhbloodlines faggot hired them to compete in toilet golf
>maybe the "queer thoughts" seo script is working for the "flat turd earth texas" snowflakes
>maybe muhbloodlines faggot hired them to compete in toilet golf
maybe they are playing for muhbuttjoooslies feltcher tokens of mordor
>>maybe the "queer thoughts" seo script is working for the "flat turd earth texas" snowflakes
>>maybe muhbloodlines faggot hired them to compete in toilet golf
>maybe they are playing for muhbuttjoooslies feltcher tokens of mordor
only "captain rimjob" walrusjew andrew blue miller would do something as pathetic as that
a lot of work
all this fartjooos smells like jew hell
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