The Ritual of Coming Forth by Day
The 1st Frater proceeds of walking in front ,waving about a censer(with frankencense and myrrh)and sprinkling milk fresh from a cow,and held by the 1st Soror is the Beir boat framed which holds the 'holder' of the 'Opening'.
On both sides of the Beir-Sarcophogus are the 2nd and 3rd Soror's,who attend to the 'holder'as Isis and Nephthys,and then as if carried by the Lodge and order members..a ledth of Urns with symbols of the 'Body Parts(Talismans) is pulled behind the beir-Sarcophagus,and and at the momnet of 'Opening' at the 'Portal' of the Lodge and Order,the Lodge and Order Sororers dressed in blue wail in a Kemetic Chant of Death and Despair.
The a symbolic 'Opening of the Mouth' rite curtailed,and the recitation of the Seventy-Two Negative Confessions was said over the Beir-Sarcophagus..and the 'holder' is attended to and anointed again by the 'Isis'and 'Nephthys' with the Utchat placed over the head and eye.
Then the recitation by the 'holder'of the 'Coming Forth by Day' is pronounced at the first glimpse of sunrise.
Afterwards of the recitation,the 'holder' is helped up out of the Beir-boat,and then faces the Sun in the sign of Apophis,and a heart talisman is brought forth to the 'awakener'and a feather of the Vulture(Ma'at) and is then handed to a Frater that stands as Anubis,and the 'holder' kneels before the Sun…and charms are spoken over his head,heart and eye..
And the 'Coming Forth by Day' is again recited towards the Sun..and as drink of beer and pomigranates are given by pouring the mix over the eye,and heart..
Then a feast ensues,or a Mass of Gnostic…this Ritual of 'Coming Forth by Day' should only be done at times of Initiation into other grades of the Lodge and Order.
If chosen by the ATON Pillar Orders,the Rituals change due to effect and location.
A Ritual of Admonition of the Utchat can be substituted for the Mass Gnostic,for those who are more pure towards the Kemetic,as compared to the Qabala.