Anonymous ID: d90b9c March 8, 2020, 7:05 p.m. No.8353286   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3306 >>3380 >>3574 >>3705

Senator Ted Cruz Self-Quarantines After Interacting with CPAC Attendee Who Tested Positive For Coronavirus


Senator Ted Cruz on Sunday released a statement informing the public that he decided to self-quarantine after interacting with a CPAC attendee who tested positive for Coronavirus.


The American Conservative Union announced on Saturday that a 2020 attendee tested positive for the Coronavirus.


The ACU sent out notices to attendees on Saturday.


Senator Cruz said he briefly interacted with patient zero at CPAC and while he feels healthy, he is deciding to stay in his home in Texas for the week.


“I’m not experiencing any symptoms, and I feel fine and healthy. Given that the interaction was 10 days ago, that the average incubation period is 5-6 days, that the interaction was for less than a minute, and that I have no current symptoms, the medical authorities have advised me that the odds of transmission from the other individual to me were extremely low,” Cruz said.


Cruz continued, “Nevertheless, out of an abundance of caution, and because of how frequently I interact with my constituents as a part of my job and to give everyone peace of mind, I have decided to remain at my home in Texas this week, until a full 14 days have passed since the CPAC interaction.”

Anonymous ID: d90b9c March 8, 2020, 7:16 p.m. No.8353379   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3424

Iranian Regime Blames Coronavirus On Antisemetic "Zionist Conspiracy"


As the Iranian regime struggles to maintain its legitimacy following one of the most challenging quarters in its 40-year history, it has added another longstanding enemy of the Iranian people to its list of parties responsible for the coronavirus outbreak that has killed thousands (officially 233) in the country.


That enemy? Israel and the Jews.


According to the Jerusalem Post, Iran’s Press TV, the regime's English-language propaganda network, has been pushing antisemitic conspiracies about the coronavirus in order to distract from Tehran’s abject mishandling of the outbreak, which has killed at least two lawmakers and several senior government officials.


Somehow, by sheer luck, perhaps, President Rouhani and the Ayatollah have avoided infection despite reports about contacts with sick officials in their government.


Given that these failings are coming just weeks after the regime embarrassed itself in front of the world by shooting down a passenger plane packed with students, it's perhaps unsurprising that in their desperation, the regime is appealing to the people's most base impulses.


Over the last several days, Iran has pushed reports claiming that "Zionists" created the coronavirus. As evidence, Press TV cited an article from the same anti-semitic website that once published an article - widely distributed in Iran - about how America's Jewish population is responsible for the country's wars in the Middle East.


On March 5, Press TV claimed that “Zionist elements developed deadlier strain of coronavirus against Iran.” Although the report claimed to reference a foreign “academic,” it fits the pattern of Iran using foreign experts to give the regime’s own views a sense of authority. The agenda of Tehran has been three-fold since the coronavirus outbreak began to affect Iran in mid-February. Iran initially denied that there was a virus outbreak in February so that it could increase voter turnout on February 21.


what if post 1320 wasn't a future proves past post but was a statement of fact at the time……could he be using them to expose them

Anonymous ID: d90b9c March 8, 2020, 7:22 p.m. No.8353431   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Governments, Big Tech Team Up Against Online Child Sexual Exploitation


WASHINGTON—Powerful testimony from the “Phoenix 11,” a group of child sex abuse survivors, kicked off the announcement of a new collaboration between governments and tech companies to stop the online sexual abuse of children.


“Last year, we all took a bold step to overcome the fears about ourselves, to band together to become a force for change,” the group said in a video presented at the Department of Justice (DOJ) on March 5.


“We are survivors of sexual torture, child rape, erotic photoshoots, pedophile sleepovers, elementary school sex shows, streaming BDSM, and twisted sexual desires whose digital images were trafficked worldwide to fulfill the endless needs of an evil perverted community which takes pleasure from our pain.”


In efforts to prevent child sexual abuse online, the United States, along with the UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, have created new voluntary principles that tech companies are promoting.


Facebook, Twitter, Google, Microsoft, Roblox, and Snapchat have all endorsed the principles, which ask them to prevent child sexual abuse material from being made available on their platforms, and taking action against advertising, soliciting children, and the livestreaming of child-related sexual abuse.


The principles stop short of asking tech companies to address end-to-end encryption, which is an ongoing tussle about where the line exists between privacy protection and the protection of criminals. The DOJ has said end-to-end encryption without a backdoor for law enforcement stymies criminal investigations. Tech companies say a backdoor presents a security risk for users.


“Predators’ supposed privacy interests should not outweigh our children’s privacy and security,” said Attorney General William Barr on March 5. “Technology has made it easier to produce, conceal, and distribute child sexual abuse materials.”


The DOJ has seen a 160 percent increase in cases involving the production of videos and images of children who were sexually exploited and abused over the last decade.


The CyberTipline for the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) received 1.1 million reports of child online sexual exploitation in 2014.


Talk about the fox guarding the hen house

Anonymous ID: d90b9c March 8, 2020, 7:35 p.m. No.8353561   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Netanyahu submits request to delay opening of criminal trial


Citing a technical delay because of material still not made available to the defense team, Netanyahu lawyer Amit Hadad submitts request to postpone the trial PM calls an attempted coup by judiciary


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday, requested a delay in proceedings against him due to begin on March 17 at the Jerusalem District Court.

Anonymous ID: d90b9c March 8, 2020, 7:38 p.m. No.8353587   🗄️.is 🔗kun



On March 8, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and locals blocked a U.S. convoy that was attempting to conduct a patrol in the northern al-Hasakah countryside.


The convoy was reportedly about to enter the town of al-Kuzaliyah when it was confronted by a group of angry locals and Syrian service members. The locals attacked U.S. forces with stones, while the service members refused to open the road. This forced the convoy to retreat.


In another incident, locals in the town of Rmelan al-Basha in northeast al-Haskah attacked a U.S. convoy near the oil-rich area of Rmelan with stones.


The last few months witnessed several similar confrontations between U.S. forces and the locals in northeast Syria, especially in northern and northeast al-Hasakaah.


The most dangerous incident took place on February 12, when U.S. forces shot and killed a local who was protesting against the passage of one of their patrol in his town, Khribat Amu, in northern al-Hasakah. Back then, local gunmen responded by opening fire at the U.S. patrol. However, the Russian Military Police and the SAA quickly de-escalated the situation.


Around 500 U.S. service members are still stationed in northeast Syria. The troops are tasked with “guarding” key oil fields in the region and supposedly countering ISIS remnants. The US military presence is among the key sources of tensions in the region.