Anonymous ID: 355b7c March 8, 2020, 8:20 p.m. No.8353988   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3992 >>4045 >>4162

Could it be HIS own adopted daughter who brings him down?

Reading many articles and a few things made me think possibly when you pay attention to the wordings.






A couple questions:

Where is Speilbergs daughter adopted from? USA or another country? Which one?

How about the other adopted kid, Theo? Where from?

Is the sex stuff really SUDDEN? or all she knows?


Sources told The Sun that while her famous director father and his wife, actress Kate Capshaw, support their child, they are also 'embarrassed' about her decision to pursue work in the world of adult films. 'Outwardly, Steven and Kate - who are the most evolved parents in the world and love their kids beyond all measure - have always been supportive of Mikaela and try to understand her,' a family friend told the publication.

Obviously, though, they're embarrassed by her sudden public admission of entry into the sex worker world.


and this:

SO who is Steven Speilbergs GRANDPA as he seems to have grandpa issues?

Maybe that is who introduced him to kid sex when he was just a kid?

And how strange that both young females from Poltergeist died weirdly.

Speilberg is now 73.

He either dies soon or arrested soon?


SS likes girls, so any abuse by men may have arrested his development very young and he possibly got stuck in the interest of girls that may have been at the age when his life was being ruined by GRANDPA? Not an excuse, but how it all may have came about. He also talks of lots of being beat up by other boys, so getting girlfriends probably did not happen.

As a grown up and able to do so, youthful fantasies may be all over his head and he is into very little girls due to this?


From CDaN comments/old blind items:


One person I think would actually kill himself rather than face any kind of public scrutiny is this permanent A list director [STEVEN SPIELBERG]. He too was interviewed by the feds but said it was all relaxation. Funny how the relaxation never included his wife. It was

just him and a bunch of tween girls he made call him grandpa

Apparently there was not much sex but he assaulted the girls and touched them and made them touch him. He took a lot of photos. I don't know if the photos exist. My guess is the feds thing before probably would have scared him to death. He seems to have recovered though because he is definitely been back to his creepy self the past 18 months or so.


In addition to a career in pornography, Mikaela, who lives in Nashville, Tennessee, said she would like to become a stripper. Mikaela explained, “I got really tired of not being able to capitalize on my body and frankly, I got really tired of being told to hate my body. And I also just got tired of working day to day in a way that wasn’t satisfying my soul. I feel like doing this kind of work, I’m able to ‘satisfy’ other people,

but that feels good

because it’s

NOT in a way that makes me feel violated



In what other way would one feel violated

Anonymous ID: 355b7c March 8, 2020, 8:20 p.m. No.8353992   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4180


entire blind item

FYI always read the comments on CDaN:



Today's Blind Items - The Island

This is the holy grail. This is what is on the horizon for some actors/producers and directors that will ruin them for all time. Until two weeks ago, I would have thought the chances for anything leaking from this was zero. People kept their mouths shut before even when the feds were questioning lots of people. The thing is though, lots of those people lied to the feds. Some were granted immunity and still lied. Why? Going to jail for lying to the government gets you Martha Stewart time and a book deal. Telling the truth gets you jail for a long time and no career or friends when you get out.

Can you imagine a place where Hollywood types and rich executives from around the world can gather in one place and have sex with underage boys and girls without any interference from any governments or parents? Yeah, well there was such a place. There probably is a replacement somewhere. The problem is in finding it. When people are flying in from different corners of the globe, it can be tough. When your only choice before was to fly in a private plane to a private island, people knew where it was.

I think there is some shady stuff going down in Joe Francis Land, but nothing like the hundreds of teen boys and girls that were raped and abused and forced to be with men for weeks and months on end.

Apparently with all types of local governments looking into sexual assaults and rapes committed by Hollywood people coming into the light, the situation on the island they all thought they had carefully extricated themselves from is back. Could be barely back or could be back where everyone goes to jail.

Today I am just going to focus on three of the players. They all have been on the island. They all have done some horrible things to tween boys and girls. No one they were with on the island was anywhere close to being the legal age of consent.

So, most likely to flip and throw everyone under the bus is this A list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner. He is the one who almost killed several of the boys to the point where his host no longer invited him. Our actor had a preference for tweens who didn't speak English. He didn't want to hear anything they had to say. Probably one of the cruelest people around. He lied to the feds like crazy the first time around and said he only went to the island to fish and lay out and relax. He also told the feds he never saw anything happen with anyone and that he usually was alone when there. He is by far facing the most time in jail if caught so would first flip our second a-hole.

A few years ago it looked like this A list director was going down. He never even was interviewed by the feds that I can find. Apparently he always went to the island via a boat just because he is smarter than most and didn't want any record. No record means the feds didn't even know he was a guest on the island. Our director would come for 24-48 hours of nonstop sex. Apparently he would take enough drugs to stay awake the entire time. The host flew in guys the director always wanted but was afraid to go near in Hollywood. In Hollywood, he would never go below 16 or 17. On the island, he would go way lower.

One person I think would actually kill himself rather than face any kind of public scrutiny is this permanent A list director. He too was interviewed by the feds but said it was all relaxation. Funny how the relaxation never included his wife. It was just him and a bunch of tween girls he made call him grandpa. Apparently there was not much sex but he assaulted the girls and touched them and made them touch him. He took a lot of photos. I don't know if the photos exist. My guess is the feds thing before probably would have scared him to death. He seems to have recovered though because he is definitely been back to his creepy self the past 18 months or so.

There will be way more than these three who go down if it happens. There are probably a dozen A list types who spent time on the island.

Anonymous ID: 355b7c March 8, 2020, 8:39 p.m. No.8354162   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4232 >>4333 >>4377 >>4401



Drew Barrymore movie primiere pics Speilberg and porn daughter Movie Title is "Whip It" about Roller Derby.

Intersting that other child abuse victims all in one place?


Drew Barrymore

Michaela Speiberg

and so was

Bella Thorne

Will Speilberg be linked to abusing her?

Anonymous ID: 355b7c March 8, 2020, 8:48 p.m. No.8354232   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4247


and this is really a weird IMDb

Only Bella no one else?


I'm a Hoe 2 (2018)

1min | Short | November 2018 (USA)


Credited cast:

Bella Thorne Bella Thorne … Bella Thorne

Full Cast & Crew


See agents for this cast & crew


Almost like it is a YT sex for $$$ advertisement to announce Bella is now for sale?


Hollywood destroys people.

Anonymous ID: 355b7c March 8, 2020, 9:37 p.m. No.8354537   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4550 >>4566


stars are getting desperate for cash?

Normies are retarded paying "celebs

$250 dollars up to $50,000

to say hi or whatever via a video cameo directly to the buyer.

Sheesh people are retarded and celebs take full advantage.

Lindsey Lohan charges $250

video here of Lindsey:


Video From Vice

Celebrities Will Say Almost Anything on Cameo For The Right Price