Anonymous ID: a52992 March 8, 2020, 8:22 p.m. No.8354001   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4168


damn that was great anon!

>>#3716 #3717 MIRROR Both contain 17 and 3


…AND we are left with the 6 and 7.


Q 836

Mission 6: Fiddler Ghost-PRIME

Mission 7: CLAS


for now my guess is 6 is snowden extraction/indictment unseal, and 7 could be Ukraine/Biden CLAS

Anonymous ID: a52992 March 8, 2020, 9:01 p.m. No.8354305   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4372 >>4424

Fiddler added. theory:


@snowden First Fiddler reference

Hunter Biden Second reference:


2 separate Q posts 'contain' fiddler:

Q 836 OP Name: Fiddler @Snowden, Mission 6: Fiddler Ghost-PRIME


Q 3610 with this link:

the link was Breaking News Live reporting Hunter link to indicted Burisma Official


Nothing can stop what's coming Q mentioned 9 times.

Retweeted by Potus from Scavino 17 hour delta.

Marker [9] post link to 9x mention of Nothing can stop what's coming

(related also to missing 'i' 9th letter of alphabet Marker [9]?, maybe Q posts are missing 9 'i's?)

Marker [9] Post's are dupes with exact same timestamp (no delta), 3616,3617.

Could this mean the indictments unsealed may be [2], snowden, hunter?

Also Q 836 which anons found related to @snowden fiddler, lists:

Mission 6: Fiddler Ghost-PRIME


Mission 7: CLAS

(Hunter Biden?, is that why Q linked to Twitter account Fiddler Forest@FiddlerForest which disclosed Hunter/Ukraine, was it blocked by Twit because of CLAS?

also some autistic work….


notes timestamps of 3616 and 3617 the Marker [9] dupes decode to:


Dec 17 = Dec (12) 1+2=3 3.17

17:03:45 17:03 MIRROR 3.17

THE Qdrop#s!

#3716 #3717 MIRROR Both contain 17 and 3


AND 21 days before 3.17.20 this year we have a leap year delta linking to Post 2903 feb 26 which says:

It's going to be HISTORIC!

Planned long ago.


Within the next 21 days BIG BIG BIG HAPPENINGS are going to take place.


And last but more will come, 3716 and 3717 Marker [9] indictment/arrests posts when we take the 3.17 out we are left with a 6 and a 7.

Back to Missions Post with Snowden/Fiddler

Mission 6: Fiddler Ghost-PRIME


Mission 7: CLAS



Anonymous ID: a52992 March 8, 2020, 9:06 p.m. No.8354337   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4345



Theme of day and week: @Snowden


March 5

Q 845 Snowden in China

Q 2972 Coincidence post stringers dropped last night? [-48]

– (Ops On? 48 hrs.= March 7?)


March 7

Q 869 Find @Snowden IDEN +1

Q 873 @SnowdenWe are going LIVE -24 [comb your hair].

–(NSA/NRO +IDEN on @snowden/ ReconSAT?)


March 8

Q 880 Someone was up all night running.Live shot.We know.Your move.

Q 893 @Snowden 24 Twitter. A/B or C. We can take you anytime.

–(the Takedown, come in Quietly)


March 9

Q 898 Why would @Snowden go public while in HK

Q 899 Which country does he really work for?

Q 900 Look at his family. Look at their positions.

Q 902 SEALS. Where there was once darkness, there is now LIGHT.

Q 903 @Snowden Twitter rec 24D. Bravo-2gKVT. [24]RR

Q 905 24hrs to respond. He did, smartly. Public view.


Q 3011 Sealed Unsealed. Indictments coming.

–(we have it all snowden pick your side)–


March 10

Q 911 March Madness

Q 915 (snowden revealed Five Eyes)


March 11

Q 3020 Why did @Snowden only attack NSA?

Q 3022 @Snowden released code words (NSA_key(s)).

Q 3023 Who was Agency DIR from 2012- 2016?


Q 3025 (snowden- don't be a liability like Barlow)

The Finale:

Q 3021


Parades or Restraints?
