Anonymous ID: f97eac March 8, 2020, 9:17 p.m. No.8354411   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4438



say what you will because that's what we do here.


was talking to an acquaintance - a liberal artist from Europe - about POTUS today. He sneered: "…he is despicable in every way….his father was tied up with the Mob…"


Well, I decided to fact check that as best as I can and to report back. The first thing I do is a search for anything written before the year 2000. Pretty much everything is from a major media outlet, of course, but it's free of the foaming-mouthed-post-escalator vitriole.


So far haven't seen anything credible about Fred Trump and the mob. I did come across this bit about DJT, however:


A COMPASSIONATE SIDE (Chicago Tribune, March 12, 1989).


Not long ago, there was a 3-year-old Los Angeles boy named Avraham Ten who was close to death with a mysterious respiratory disorder. His helpless doctors advised specialized treatment in the East, and Rabbi Harry Mayer of Monsey, N.Y., was called in to help.


No commercial airliner would fly the boy, the rabbi recalls,


because they wouldn`t assume insurance liability should he die, and a charter service wanted $50,000 round trip, which was impossible for the family. With one phone call, Trump sent his jet to L.A. with three nurses aboard.


The boy lived, and continues treatment. The sages, Mayer says, tell us that someone who saves a child`s life is equivalent to saving the entire world. Those who bash Trump should know this.


What emerges so far is a close connection with the Jewish community in New York City, which is bound to trigger the psycho-shills. But it must be remembered that there is indeed a Jewish presence in Organized crime, and in Chicago, Las Vegas, LA, and who knows where else.




Don't be afraid to look for the truth wherever it leads, anons. The hard work is finding it.