>>8354356 (lb)
I got a citizens arrest a while back.ON MY OWN PROPERTY by a trespasser. yeah, well…. Got a criminal charge of vandalism because I touched their stuff they put on my property. Thing was: I had a duty under state code to abate a nuisance, which is what it was. Seems the person who "arrested" me was a blue suit from another county. So, I have a law degree but never took the bar because muh corruption. I talk to the sheriff - no luck. I talk to the DA - no luck. In fact, the DA basically that they were going to railroad me. I decided I'd go to jail before I submitted to them. I won, the case was dismissed. I filed a 60 page demur saying I was totally within my rights to abate a nuisance. The judge that day, a retired old woman, SET A HEARING DATE for the demur. I quietly said, "Um, I think you're supposed to hear it immediately". But the DA and the Judge said "NO", it needs a hearing date. Well, next day I file a appellate writ for a statutory violation. Seems, an hour later the DA files a felony enhancement on my criminal charge. BUT, the appellate judge dismisses my case. YAY! Close call. But seriously folks. The county really did not want my in their jail. I would have a $1000 on my card, buying all sorts of things for the other inmates. Plus, I'd be helping them with their cases. Naw. Best to leave people like me alone.