Gize…I had a really vivid dream last night. I feel it's important to log it here since I've been obsessed with this movement from the beginning and (like some of you) hardly think of anything else during the day. Maybe someone had a similar dream.
I was in a performing arts school center or school - all the performers lived there.
There were two younger, very short guys performing in a play that I was in and they were going off-script trying to flirt with me - one was a read-headed guy for sure because I remember recognizing it in the dream.
After the play, I was tasked to do something - can't remember what. Then I look down and someone is holding a huge snapping turtle and the turtle bit-down on a spigot. The person and the turtle disappeared and the spigot started spewing gas. I turned the valve handle back and forth and it would throttle up and down, but never turn off. Everyone around was panicking because they thought it was gas. The person helping me was smoking so I grabbed the cigarette and ran far away with it and put it..then ran back.
By this time the spigot was spewing what looked like a green liquid, but when I put my hand in the stream it felt dry. Someone yelled out "IT'S FREON". I didn't feel any burning sensation but I knew I had to get to water to wash off. I then turned around and jumped and skyrocketed over a house or a building into a nearby water reservoir of some king. Not really a swimming pool but like a man-made mini-lake. My body went into the water, but my "camera" remained up in the sky watching me swim with someone else whom I couldn't make out - in my mind it felt like someone else who was covered in Freon.
I was then suddenly in the sleeping quarters of the young performers of the school - it looked like army barracks but a little fancier and with performing/acting paraphernalia strewn about. I looked around and some people towards the front had curtains around their little beds, but could be seen through. The bed closest to me had someone painted up like a frog or something. She had a headdress something like a frog. The person across from her was also painted and in costume but I can't recall those details.
I then started wandering around looking in different rooms. I became more and more self-conscious as it seemed I was now naked. The wandering around segued into desperately looking for clothing.
I found myself back at the "entrance", near the two curtained beds and the performers were rabble roused about someone announcing that someone with AIDS would be allowed to sleep in the same room. I remember thinking "wow they certainly are not tolerant here".