Q is the real one who has failed:
To deciphering the Shadow Government.
Yep. See this →
We know who you are!!
You are the anonymous group, - a fusion of Nazis, SES, CIA, MI6, the Big Five I, AI systems such as Sophia, Palantir AI and more. We know you are ILLUMINATI –
The Illuminated Suns of the Golden Dawn
We know that you have a network of 18 assassins in the U.S. who do your HC killings! (Check the code for murder = HC GUNS FOR HIRE). We know how you use KEK bots and AI to produce images and videos to mock those exposing you. We know that is how you know who killed SR – because it was a team of one of your SES killers (Mexican MS13) whom you flushed-out after they completed the job for your SES!! (Able Danger has exposed this). We know how you attempt to say DWS acted alone, covering-up your SES hit squads. __
We know you claim McCabe was fired when he still gets his retirement, as he is SES.__ We know your SES is trying to take-down Trump. We know you are behind Fusion GPS, Crowd-strike and the DNC fake hacking and that you created the fake Russia collusion narrative.
We know you have 500 lawyers in the DOJ who control all U.S. Federal agencies and who are attempting to take down Trump and our government, having hi-jacked our Republic. We know you are an integral part of The Shadow Government, via SES, the CIA, SIRCO and the British Monarch, Vatican, Vicar Generals at the County level and other banking cartel agents. We know you work with Soros. We know your Intelligence drops are meant to ride the wave of a legitimate patriotic movement that we began last year on another board and that you hijacked OUR movement that WE CREATED. On this other board, we coined the words THE CALM BEFORE THE STORM, THE STOM, WE GAVE-OUT THE FORMULA to take-down the Pyramid long before you stole it from us. We put Trump into power when you believed HC would win. It was not the MIL alone who did it. It was God acting on our behalf, via our intercession. We know what your Khabbalah and Khazarian Mafia is and how you originated with the Khazars in Khazaria (the current fake Jews, no DNA connection to father Abraham) and having been pushed-out and your land destroyed, invaded and infiltrated all nations. We know how you corrupted the Catholic Church and corrupted The Jesuits, and how you infiltrated the Masons and corrupted it as well. We know you are servants of Lucifer and how you attempt to substitute the divine light of Christ for your Luciferian god. We know you are feeding the anonymous movement on the chans. We know you use the Jesuits and Khazarian mafia of The Khabbalah infiltrate all countries and all religions and political parties, via The Hegelian Dialectic you create. We know you infiltrated the Jewish religion and, taking over the leadership, created the Zionist movement intended on dominating the planet. We know you infiltrated Nazi Germany and caused the hatred for the legitimate Jews. We know how then you got Hitler to persecute the legitimate Jews and force all to move to Israel, so you could force the formation of the Zionist Khazarian-lead Israel. We know you are how you usurp thrones. We know your Game of Thrones. We know that you and your Jesuit legions murdered Lincoln. We know you then went on to form via the Jesuits & Nazi Intel the CIA, a private corporation with headquarters in Geneva. (Attempting to use the Zionist Khazarian mafia movement to start WWIII).
Continued next post….