The screen shot shows the trip code isnt bold, but I scrolled up to the post and trip code is bold
Get better Anon. Good luck for your recovery
I wanna call out Hogg on Twatter and challenge him to a debateโฆ.I might get a 24hr ban
My one post about Hogg was no more a waste of space than you being tough on your keyboard. STFU and move the fuck on with life
You're right, he wouldnt be much fun. The kid isnt even old enough to know what he is talking about.
I hope Jimmy Kimmel goes down as a bonus
I was saying the same thing the other day. I cant wait to see what he does specifically with 9th C
Soon you think?
What do you think is the first bombshell? I like trying to figure out the white hats and I am always wrong lol