These are fake aliens. Probably an art class project. The teacher made one and the assignment was to make another one that looked similar enough that they could be the same species.
The clue is in the foot in the foreground. It has three toes. But it is attached to a human leg and a human foot. In humans our legs and feet develop much the same. Starting from the torso
1 big bone
2 big bones a bit shorter
3 bones stubby
4 bones stubby
——————– After these 4 repeats we get a slightly different kind of repeat
5 instances of the following
1 long bone
1 bone a bit shorter
1 bone really short
one bone stubby.
The 5 instances are called fingers or toes. You can see how the number of them is determined by the number of joints. After the eyeball shaped joint to the torso, there are 4 joints, therefore 5 finger/toes and each finger/toe has 4 bones probably because it is repeating the 4 pattern encoded in the DNA for making fins. Yes, fins. We evolved from the same mudcrawlers that fish, and insects evolved from.
I don't doubt that similar DNA to ours chemically exists on many planets in many starsystems but they are unlikely to be so similar to us and also have weird things like 3 toes.
I could believe something with 4 fingers arranges in two opposable pairs, but not 3 toes on a human foot/leg. Have any of you dreamed of a creature with hands made up of 4 fingers arranged in two opposable pairs?