I don't think he knew about MK Ultra then.
Cops pump up the drama to get budget increases. They used to claim pot busts with "enough joints to supply every preschooler a supply for ten concerts" and other propaganda nonsense.
That said, fentanyl is insanely potent and their past hype may have contributed to the crisis we have now. The downside of PR or fake news: the boy can only cry wolf so often.
>muh mansplaining
Says the 'feminist' who traded on her husband's name to get where she is today.
>They'll put you in the shared database as a child molester
If you can sue credit reporting agencies for libel and slander, you can sue them too. They won't target someone who has legal recourse without hard evidence like a police report.
Even better, you get three or four police forces involved, at least one of them will be white hat and screw up the others' plans.
Prison rules.