What's the gematria number for "i just took a huge shit"?
Pretty sure the US makes most of it's own toilet paper.
I was hoping it was #2.
Hey quick (quack),
Everyone turn on Fox to see what Dr. Oz has to say about Wuhan Flu.
It would be a lot quicker if there was a program in place to encourage small, but capable, people to start manufacturing rather than come begging to those that accumulated capital under a corrupt system.
Right, maybe we can get startup loans from Zuck, who totally used his bootstraps and not CIA money to capture capital.
"I raped that woman as a form of stress management cause muh virus."
See, I like the part in the bible where it makes a rock solid revelation of unknown knowledge, like how most sickness is caused by microbes, and how to treat them.
Oh, wait.
17 altarboys suspiciously infected.