Rush is on and he is totally Trashing Mohamed bin Salman MBS
Didn't get the memo?
Rush is on and he is totally Trashing Mohamed bin Salman MBS
Didn't get the memo?
Don't you find it strange that Rush is not more "clued in" ~ especially do to his friendship with Trump?
Many times, I do not understand the "misinformation" that Rush pushes…
And, Rush's continued LOVE & Adoration of the Bushes
Maybe it is the Rush & Bush ties that keeps Trump from "q'ing" Rush into The Plan ? IDK… but it def. confuses this Anon
>>(Harris Faulkner) just said that the reason for the market drop was “concern over oil supply”
And, Rush is going after Saudi Arabia too ~ specifically hard on '33 year old kid - Crown Prince - Mohamed bin Salman…'
Rush saying (trashing) how Wrong it was for MBS to lock up all his brothers, nephews and mother…!
So ~ is this "coordinated" Disinfo, or Misinfo ? Intentional - or Not ???