Anonymous ID: ba6d80 March 9, 2020, 10:28 a.m. No.8358160   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Why this Draconian Response to COVID-19?


Imagine if you are the organizer of a major arts and tech event that attracts a quarter-million attendees. One week out from the conference, the mayor cancels your event. Your event is not named specifically, just that all events involving more than 2,500 people are officially banned. He does this using emergency powers, justified in the name of containing a virus.


And that’s it. This is what happened to South by Southwest, one of the most important events in the world in Austin, Texas, which has thus far not reported a single case of COVID-19. Based on last year’s numbers, It’s the end for:


73,716 conference attendees and 232,258 festival attendees;

4,700 speakers

4,331 media/press attendees

2,124 sessions

70,00 trade show attendees occupying 181,400 square feet of exhibit space

351 official parties and events

612 international acts

1,964 performance acts


Local merchants are devastated. All hotel and flight reservations are lost. It’s a financial calamity for the city (last year brought half a billion dollars for local merchants) and for untold millions of people affected by the abrupt decision.

Anonymous ID: ba6d80 March 9, 2020, 10:33 a.m. No.8358231   🗄️.is 🔗kun

2 American Service Members Killed Fighting ISIS in Iraq


Two U.S. service members were killed in Iraq on Sunday while advising Iraqi Security Forces in the fight against the ISIS terrorist group, according to military officials on Monday.


A news release from the anti-ISIS Operation Inherent Resolve coalition said the U.S. troops were “accompanying Iraq security forces “during a mission to eliminate an ISIS terrorist stronghold in a mountainous area of north-central Iraq,” reported The military didn’t provide any more information about the incident.


The names of two service members who were killed are being withheld until their families are notified.


Col. Myles B. Caggins III, a spokesman for the American-led coalition, said that troops had to deploy more forces to recover the dead in a mission that lasted about six hours, reported The New York Times.

Anonymous ID: ba6d80 March 9, 2020, 10:40 a.m. No.8358326   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Career politicians like Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Lindsey Graham, Nancy Pelosi and Jeff Sessions worked together in the past to pass legislation designed to take our Constitutional rights away from us, and none of them have made an effort to restore

Biden's a Hammer and Sickle Communist Just Like Crazy Bernie


The results of super Tuesday came as no surprise. Everyone expected Crazy Bernie and Quid Pro Quo Joe to be the front runners. After all, they are the most qualified because both spent a lifetime tearing America down, and they are prepared to finish the job. And make no mistake, all Democrats are communists just like crazy Bernie. Bernie is nothing more than a spoiler candidate. He’s there to take votes from others, make quid pro quo Joe look moderate, and scare the hell out of freedom loving Americans.

Biden’s scatter-brained persona


However, under Biden’s scatter-brained persona, he’s a hammer and sickle communist just like Bernie. The only difference between the two is that Bernie admits he’s a communist, and Biden pretends he’s not.


Furthermore, socialist Democrats and Republicans have haunted the halls of Congress their entire lives and did nothing for anyone other than themselves. They regularly pass unconstitutional legislation that harms America, and then they turn around and run for reelection on the promise of reversing the damage they did during their last term in office. That’s the game career politicians play, and that’s why they should be voted out of office—before they completely destroy America.

Anonymous ID: ba6d80 March 9, 2020, 10:46 a.m. No.8358378   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8547 >>8639

Jack Dorsey strikes deal to remain CEO of Twitter…


Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey keeps his job after company strikes investment deal


Twitter has reached a deal with investment firms Elliott Management and Silver Lake, the company announced Monday. The deal comes after Elliott’s attempt to oust Jack Dorsey as CEO.



Correction: Twitter has reached a deal with investment firms Elliott Management and Silver Lake. The deal comes after Elliott’s attempt to oust Jack Dorsey as CEO.


— CNBC (@CNBC) March 9, 2020

Anonymous ID: ba6d80 March 9, 2020, 10:55 a.m. No.8358477   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8503

Cheap FKers kek


Microsoft, Amazon and others form $2.5M coronavirus response fund


Ongoing coverage of the novel coronavirus, and its impact on Seattle and the technology industry.


Microsoft, Amazon, and other Seattle-area companies are partnering with nonprofits and governments to launch a relief fund in response to the coronavirus outbreak.


The COVID-19 Response Fund will provide grants to organizations helping at-risk populations, like workers who can’t take sick leave, people without health insurance, and healthcare workers. It is launching with more than $2.5 million in donations from its founding partners.


Seattle Foundation will host the fund and administer one-time grants to support the work of public health organizations and nonprofits. Other partners include Starbucks, Alaska Airlines, United Way of King County, King County, and the City of Seattle.

Anonymous ID: ba6d80 March 9, 2020, 10:59 a.m. No.8358524   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8573

How could you not see this coming


March 9, 2020

Congresswoman Jackie Speier wants Trump to cancel all rallies


Congresswoman Jackie Speier (D-Calif.) is busy peddling lies and making wild recommendations. She believes that Trump should cancel all his rallies because by not doing so "he is willing to place even his most ardent supporters at risk."


She backs up her claim by stating that "we're supposed to stay six feet away from other persons in order to mitigate the exchange of those viruses."


Say what?


I thought perhaps I'd missed something. Maybe I lost more than an hour with Daylight Savings Time. Did the Coronavirus Task Force announce this six-foot rule for everyone?

Anonymous ID: ba6d80 March 9, 2020, 11:10 a.m. No.8358636   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Sanders Hires Surrogate Who Equated Zionism With Racism, Blamed America for 9/11


Bernie Sanders's new senior adviser circulated cartoons blaming America for 9/11 on social media and has equated Zionism to racism.


On Saturday, the Sanders campaign added self-proclaimed "militant" Phillip Agnew to the payroll as a senior adviser, as the Vermont senator attempts to close the race gap that has propelled former vice president Joe Biden to primary victories in a number of southern states. Sanders called Agnew, who is black, a "gifted organizer" in a release.


"I am excited to welcome Phillip to our team," Sanders said of Agnew, who also goes by the name Umi Selah. "He is a gifted organizer and one of his generation's most critical voices on issues of race and inequity. He has and will continue to push me and this movement to deliver on what is owed to Black people who have yet to experience reciprocity in this country.

Anonymous ID: ba6d80 March 9, 2020, 11:15 a.m. No.8358691   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8710

UK appoints three-star general to lead climate review


The UK’s Ministry of Defence (MOD) has appointed former Chief of Defence People, Lieutenant General Richard Nugee, to lead a review into the British Armed Forces’ climate change policy.


The review is set to spearhead initiatives within the MOD to help it tackle climate change. Nugee will examine how the Ministry can ‘better incorporate climate change and sustainability considerations into defence’s processes and policy decisions.’


A key focus of the review will be helping the MOD work towards the UK Government’s goal of having net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.


Announcing the review, Nugee said: “The effect of climate change will challenge how our Armed Forces operate today and will need to operate in the future; we need to act now to understand and prepare for the changes that have to be made.


“At the same time, we must reduce our own emissions to help the nation reach its net-zero 50 commitment.”