["The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."] Q, do you really believe that 'the world can change' without "the blood of patriots and tyrants"? Can the change you describe be ushered in by 'the courts'? Real power isn't something that can be 'given' [to the people by the courts]- real power is something you take [with "the blood of patriots and tyrants"]. If our court system could deliver this change 1. it would be unnecessary as it would have prevented our current situation and 2. it would have done so long ago. Our court system can't fix this problem as evidenced by the fact that it created/allowed this problem. Q, do you really think that you are smarter than Jefferson? The Q team seems to be rather taken with [White Squall], but you haven't mentioned [Braveheart] - that says a great deal about your plan/perspective ! Is it likely that [the people] will ever truly comprehend the challenges that we now face if they are not made to feel/experience [a real cost] to fix them? If 'the fix' doesn't hurt [really sting] then it will not be long before we go right back to where we are. "it's a huge shit sandwich, and we're all gonna have to take a bite" so, let's get to it.