Anonymous ID: 053d15 March 9, 2020, 1:36 p.m. No.8360386   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0398 >>0403

Schumer’s Supreme Court saga not over, as GOP presses forward on historic censure


Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., may still face consequences from his colleagues after facing criticism from conservatives and liberals alike for remarks he directed towards Supreme Court Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh at an abortion rights rally last week that some have considered threatening. Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., has continued to call for Schumer to be censured after introducing a resolution in the Senate to do just that. And dozens of well-known conservative leaders signed a letter Monday adding their voices to the calls. "Of course Schumer’s attacks were 'inappropriate' and 'wrong'! He should be CENSURED," Hawley tweeted Friday, in response to a video of CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin, who stated that Schumer's remarks sounded "like a physical threat."


Schumer was speaking outside the Supreme Court building at an event hosted by the Center for Reproductive Rights as the court heard oral arguments in June Medical Services LLC v. Russo, a dispute dealing with the restrictions over who can perform abortions in Louisiana. The case involves a law similar to one in Texas that the court ruled was unconstitutional in 2016, before Gorsuch and Kavanaugh had joined the court. "I want to tell you, Gorsuch. I want to tell you, Kavanaugh. You have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price!" Schumer warned. "You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions." Chief Justice John Roberts responded with a rare rebuke, calling Schumer's words "inappropriate" and "dangerous." Even left-leaning Harvard Law School Professor Laurence Tribe took Roberts' side, calling Schumer's remarks "inexcusable."


Hawley's resolution, which was co-sponsored by 14 senators, called for Schumer to be censured for the comments, which it describes as "an attempt to unduly influence the judicial decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States and to undermine the vision of the founders of the United States of the 'complete independence of the courts of justice.'" Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., took to the Senate floor Thursday morning to condemn Schumer's comments. “There is nothing to call this except a threat,” McConnell said, claiming that Schumer was "trying to gaslight the entire country" by claiming that he was only addressing Republican lawmakers. Schumer responded by claiming he was "passionate" and "angry" about the threat towards women's ability to get abortions that the court case represented. He did not apologize to the justices, but admitted that he "should not have used the words I used," and that "they didn't come out the way I intended to."


Hawley was not swayed by this, tweeting that Schumer was following a recent trend of Democrats threatening the Supreme Court. A group of Democratic senators in August filed a brief in a gun control case in which they accused the Supreme Court of being "not well" and warning that if it does not "heal itself," it could be "restructured." This was taken as a warning that the Democrats would attempt to pack the court by increasing the number of justices and loading the bench with liberals once a Democrat is back in the White House. "Schumer’s threats to Gorsuch & Kavanaugh is part of pattern of Democrat attacks on the #SupremeCourt," Hawley said. "Dems have threatened to pack it; now they’re threatening Justices personally. This is insane. It’s wrong. Schumer should be censured."

Anonymous ID: 053d15 March 9, 2020, 1:52 p.m. No.8360533   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0549 >>0707 >>0895 >>0972


Pelosi, Hoyer et al. will assemble an 'employment bailout bill' AUSPICES: pay for 'sick workers' who remain at home.


However, the real purpose of the bill will be to fund labor unions for their 2020 GOTV efforts. A funding mechanism happens almost every election year.

Anonymous ID: 053d15 March 9, 2020, 2:15 p.m. No.8360761   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0822 >>0895 >>0972

Pentagon Deploys Troops To California Border To Block Surge Of Possibly Infected Migrants


The Pentagon is sending 160 soldiers to California's border with Mexico in order to assist border agents resist an anticipated surge in migrants if the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals strikes down Migrant Protection Protection Protocols (MPP), according to Breitbart. Approximately 60,000 migrants have been returned to Mexico prior to their US asylum hearings through the MPP program, which is aimed at preventing migrants from obtaining work in the United States, according to the report.


Some of the 30,000 migrants waiting in Mexico rushed for the border February 28 when the court declared the MPP program to be illegal. The court then quickly put a stay on its decision to block the MPP until March 12, pending any Supreme Court intervention. The California-based court also decided to allow the MPP program to operate in Texas. Officials at the Department of Justice have asked the Supreme Court to extend the delay. -Breitbart


Trump administration officials added that the troops could help prevent the migration of people carrying diseases, such as coronavirus. On Friday, the Washington Examiner reported that US border officials have blocked 'hundreds' of foreigners from entering the country at land ports of entry along both the Canadian and Mexico borders, according to a senior homeland security official. "We've turned people away on both borders, hundreds of them. In total, during the course of the last month … we're under 1,000, but you're in the hundreds, to give you a ballpark sense," said deputy secretary of DHS, Ken Cuccinelli.


Customs and Border Protection officials (CBP) say their duty is to "secure our nation’s borders, and measures such as the Crisis Response Force employment allow CBP to do just that."


Based on the pending MPP decision, continued concerns of large groups attempting to forcibly enter through [Ports of Entry] PoEs, and Covid-19 containment and mitigation concerns, CBP has activated the Crisis Response Force. The Crisis Response Force will provide military police support, engineering support, and aviation support to CBP. Approximately 160 active-duty personnel will reposition from their CRS standby location at Fort Polk, Louisiana, to the southwest border in support of CBP. Approximately 80 personnel will be deployed to PoE in El Paso, Texas, and approximately 80 personnel will be supporting the San Ysidro Port of Entry in California. The CRF will remain at or adjacent to the selected PoEs as the operational environment evolves. If necessary. the CRF has the ability to lift-and-shift via air or ground from one PoE to another PoE to support CBP. The employment of the CRF is one element of CBP’s larger, comprehensive border security efforts to help CBP ensure everyone’s safety and security, to include travelers, asylum seekers, business stakeholders, and our own employee. This CRF effort should not be confused with a current and distinct Texas National Guard annual training status deployment that is being conducted as the port of entry in Brownsville, Texas. Texas National Guard routinely conducts training events with CBP components.