They are, Anon. Note the call sign - AZAZ09O9, O not zero. We know that operators are in the field.
I've post a shot with both flights showing the 0 versus O difference.
Been tracking these AZAZ flights and 2-reg stuff for over two years now.
Toots isn't Toots any more, he's dead. Stop flogging that dead cat. Abandoning your dog wasn't smart either.
As I see it..
09 = Intel gathering
O9 = Operations, info sharing/planning
All face to face briefings, no leaks.
A dead fighter, not very useful.
I know of two ways to mess with Freddy's plansโฆ
Freddy's not Davros.
Yellow = Military, like the Admiralty yellow fringe on the US flag.
Just like that, AZAZ09O9 loses it's call signโฆ
High IQ Post
Roger that. o7
Inspirational music
Run Silent, Run Deep