Night Shift.
Seems this modified spike protein thingy may be infringing on several patents.
Looking into it.
Night Shift.
Seems this modified spike protein thingy may be infringing on several patents.
Looking into it.
Red and yellow make orange dufus
Not bloody likely.
The oil futures market and margin and VIX are puking all over the place. The market is blowing up the Obozo bubble. I'd chill unless you want to play in the nastiest bear market since 2000. Bear markets rip shorts and longs faces off. They aren't called bear markets for nothing.
>Did everyone forget the exercise that happened in Oct 2019 that was put on by John Hopkins and sponsored by Bill and Melinda Gates (Event 201)?
Nope. Spoopy as fuck. Hard to know what Gates knew and who he knew it from however.
I'm still weded to the theory this is an accidental prototype bio weapon from Wuhan Bio Weapons Lab.
Although the notion of releasing something that's not particularly deadly to anyone under 60 and having the world provide the ChiComs free intel on the spread is appealing for many reasons.
Erin go brah, bro!
>The Young are Strong enough to beat it
>protect the elderly
Aye. Look into selenium. Don't have link now. May impede ability for it to hook cells.
Awesome meme