Anonymous ID: cf06d8 March 9, 2020, 3:52 p.m. No.8361706   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1732 >>1746 >>1757 >>1789 >>1800

Anons, Have we come to a consensus, or maybe a set of plausible theories, as to the true story behind Corona Virus?


Work faggin, I have not had the time to deep dig and likely won't any time soon. But here are the things that get my spidey senses tingling: (Please correct me where wrong as the info I've gleaned is spotty.)


1.) The Chinese scientist who worked in the Canadian lab being dismissed from their jobs in Nov. (I think it was Nov.)


2.) No sooner had the trade agreement w/China been signed than we heard Corona Corona Corona. Before that it was Peach mint Peach mint Peach mint. And of course before that it was Russia Russia Russia.


3.) Some of the videos coming out of China seemed contrived; I mean I saw a few where people were walking along just fine and then "collapsed" seemingly out of exhaustion whereas they had been walking just fine the moment beforehand.


4.) The millions of people being quarantined in Italy following rumors the Pope had Corona Virus. (Has rumor been debunked?)


5.) The predictable stock market drops and ensuing scares.


6.) Allegations that people who were infected have been near Pence & POTUS.


7.) For some reason I keep thinking about that big get-together of mega execs and even movie stars back in the fall. I think it was a Climate gathering and it took place either in Greece or Italy? I just remember anons pointing out the hypocrisy of many of them showing up in their yachts. So IDK much about it, but this event makes me wondering if the outbreak was planned then?


I'm sure there is more I'll think of just as soon as I post this, but all in all this feels orchestrated to me. Perhaps a false flag to "rehearse" how to shut millions if not billions down?


Do we think POTUS and/or Q saw this coming?

What do we think about POTUS turning the CV Task Force over to Pence?


While this whole thing definitely has a black hat feel to it, I can't shake the feeling that the white hats are playing along with it to make as good of a situation as can be had out of it. Making lemonade out of lemons, so to speak.