Anonymous ID: b13118 March 9, 2020, 4:21 p.m. No.8362044   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I wish that once, JUST ONCE, they could send out some real respectful looking dude, I don't know, just ANYONE who can command respect in a way that will very CLEARLY be 0% politically biased, to tell them that they are all behaving like children and they should stop trying to make everything "grrr Trump mean and bad and stupid" because, in their attempt to make Trump look bad, they're making it seem like Trump REALLY IS bad, because obviously it's NOT that THEY'RE the childish ones, the trusted newspeople, no, it would HAVE to be Trump. Why can't they just send someone, ANYONE to put them in their place? There comes a point where they'd stop behaving like children, right? Or I guess they really do have no shame? He clearly DID NOT "storm" out of the room!!!!!!! For fuck's sake, I'm sick of these people.


Every time someone reads the fake news, they see the world through the eyes of these overgrown infants called "the mainstream media," and innocent people get caught up in the MSM's need to destroy evil orange man.