Rig for Red and Silent Running were among today's Q concepts. Rig for Red was the initial WuhanFlu presser. We've been silent running since. Tmrw at 4 is when he announces that in the tradition of great Democrats he is going to give gobs of money to the citizens for this crisis, but unlike great Democrats of the past, he will make sure it goes directly to the citizens and not some DS fuckery scheme like the Red Cross and Fema, etc.
Trump said his financial assistance plan would "dramatic" and "major." Don't think it'll benefit anyone except citizens. ALL citizens. And I think whatever he announces tomorrow has a chance of becoming permanent.
The media does not take Trump seriously, so they still can't imagine him using this opportunity to drop the hammer and reversing the money flows, as the Democrats have said and lied about for 50 years, from the millionaires and billionaires (((them))) back to us.
Could be the time where he changes the banking system over by announcing virus bonds or something. Every dollar spent on them is worth 5 T-dollars backed by gold.
It's a perfect time for something BIG.