>>8362425 lb
They come up to periscope depth to get a sighting and bearing on the target then run silent to approach the target for the attack.
>>8362425 lb
They come up to periscope depth to get a sighting and bearing on the target then run silent to approach the target for the attack.
What I've been thinking the 10 days of darkness is for.
Dumfuck, they engineered this crash and will buy back cheaper and make even more money.
Hopefully that is the target; those globalist Red pushers.
Virus bonds bearing 500% in Treasury notes sounds like a very interesting idea. Gets FRNs out of circulation as well. HMMmmmm.
Guns and ammo. SALT, lots of SALT.
Half the oil companies will go out of business at that level and then gas prices will spike.
Me too. Not last weekend but all along. Casting is the way to go for slow bullets; cheaper and more accurate. .357-.458 for my 45-70 Marlin.