>Noticing you aren't addressing other facts..
Let's ignore the fact that you ignored what I said, because why not? You're a shill.
>Bengahazi, Fast and Furious…Obama made this possible by handing control over to the state department…
No. He made it possible by controlling the entire DOJ, ATF, FBI, media, and Congress, so that the people even when found couldn't be prosecuted.
They literally broke the law. The new laws are "fuck you congress we don't have to tell you." How is that going to protect against the next Obama not doing worse? Please explain. In graphic fucking detail.
>and how you do think these guns were released and sent to the wrong people?
Because our government is controlled by (((foreign powers))). Because we are a colony, and have no right to petition our governments for redress, as evidenced by the fact that these crimes were exposed, and nothing was done.
You don't even realize you're proving my point. These things are known, and nothing was done. You think somethings going to happen now that it's legal?
What kind of logic is this?
>You need to look into all the backdoor deals that were going on.. with congressional approvals..
How is removing that check going to make it harder to do? That's incoherent. Less checks = easier. Period. Defend your point.
>you don't think they dealt with this honestly do you..
No. Obviously not.
>you don't think they had some wifm in these deals..research..people died for no good reason families were torn apart..for no good reason other than power and greed.
No shit. And we know about it. And it's illegal. And nothing happened. Now it's not illegal.
Fucking COOL!
How you get from that to "now these things were shut down" is just retarded to me. Just retarded.