Anonymous ID: 6cd54c March 9, 2020, 8:47 p.m. No.8364718   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4731 >>4791 >>4836 >>4866 >>4887 >>4904

why are there so many variations of the corona virus in images?

why do they all look drawn? why different?

are theyartist renditions like the earth marble renditons?

like NASA admitted were "images" not photos.


and CNN and MSNBC are setting things up with discussions aaabout a recession and in a week or two we will see a spike in cases, because the test will show people already have it and just don't know it and are all about.


next week will be fun to see how more drama is added.


and most importantly


is it not quite a cooincidence that The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation that is a huge proponet of vaccines is located in Seattle WA. And Seattle may soon have a Bill Gates-funded at-home coronavirus test

Going to the doctor to get tested risks spreading the virus. Building off work they’ve funded to create an at-home flu test, the Gates Foundation and the Seattle Flu Study are trying to make it work for coronavirus as well.

Seattle may soon have a Bill Gates-funded at-home coronavirus test

[Image: Bezvershenko/iStock]


In the Seattle area, where dozens of people have tested positive for the new coronavirus and hundreds more may be infected and not know it, a new project funded by Bill Gates and the Gates Foundation could soon begin rolling out test kits that people can use at home.


“Although there’s a lot to be worked out, this has enormous potential to turn the tide of the epidemic,” Scott Dowell, who leads the coronavirus response at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, told The Seattle Times.


Testing is obviously critical to try to slow the spread of the disease, but it has gone slowly across the U.S. so far. At first, the CDC limited testing only to people who had recently traveled or had contact with a patient known to already have the disease, also known as COVID-19. That meant that public health officials didn’t know whether the virus was spreading to other people in communities. (Even among those who were tested, flaws in early test kits made some results inconclusive.) Doctors have also struggled to test patients because of a shortage of test kits.


At-home tests can help more people get tested—and can also help stop spreading the virus to the people who are most vulnerable. The illness is most dangerous for older adults and people with underlying health conditions; for those over the age of 80, the death rate of confirmed cases so far is 21.9%. For younger people, the illness is often mild, and coming in for a test might mean infecting other patients, or infecting healthcare workers who then might inadvertently end up infecting others or who might have to go into quarantine, straining the healthcare system. Since there’s no treatment for the mild form of the illness, hospitals would rather have people with only mild symptoms stay at home.


The project spun out of the Seattle Flu Study, a Gates-funded project that provided similar at-home tests for the flu, though this will be supported by a different part of the foundation. Gates hasn’t yet announced how soon the new service could launch. In an email to Fast Company, the organization clarified: “Our team has and will continue to actively explore ways that we can contribute to local response through the application of the study. While we’re working quickly with our partners to determine what’s possible, details of this support have not yet been finalized.”


If it does get off the ground, anyone who’s sick in the Seattle area will be able to answer a few questions online to determine if they qualify for the test, and if they do, a test will be delivered within two hours. After the patient swabs their nose, the sample will be picked up and taken to a lab at the University of Washington for analysis and results within two days. For those who are infected, the project will use online forms to track who they’ve been in contact with who may also need to be tested or quarantined. When it begins, the project will have the capacity to run around 400 tests per day; that will later increase to thousands of tests each day.

Anonymous ID: 6cd54c March 9, 2020, 9:01 p.m. No.8364836   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4866 >>4904



How many of the new cases that the Bill Gates Foundation Corona Home Test Kits will be found as postive?

Will they be people somehow linked to Bill Gates and or the Seatle area?

Paid to be sick crisis people? and viola home test kit to be sent back to Gates for test results?

Will there be an uptick of of sick WA State Antifa types/guys perhaps?

Maybe pay for taking the "home test" behind the scenes?


Seems all to convenient if you ask me.

The outbreak in WA and now they kit are from Gates home office area?

And what about Patents Mr. Gates?

Who wants to dig and see how long the Home Kits have been being looked into and a patent so Gates is the only distributor??


Remember "we don't say his name" McCain and brain cancer, his family on board of Mayo Clinic diagnosis.



Every little detail keeps piling up from my standpoint and research, pointing to and

designed to take down Trump economy before election.


Formerly called: William H. Gates Foundation

Headquarters: Seattle, WA

Endowment: 46.8 billion USD (2018)

Assets: 36.79 billion USD (2010)

Purposes: Health Care, Education

Anonymous ID: 6cd54c March 9, 2020, 9:10 p.m. No.8364904   🗄️.is 🔗kun




>hundreds more may be infected and not know it,


just wait

the numbers will be


once the tests come back


every person who is told they have Corona should be mandatory tested by Trump CDC handpicked staff to confirm and the test should be made available to the Trump admin to verify the test/and or blood to match the donor(s)

a real accurate accounting for the diagnosis

not just trust a Bill Gates home test kit, that will tested by vaccine pusher Gates.

It is too pyramid schemy and suspect to trust the word of Gates Foundation at this point.

If it is legit they will not balk since it is a "pandemic".

Facts matter.

Science and all……right? Lefties?

Anonymous ID: 6cd54c March 9, 2020, 9:12 p.m. No.8364919   🗄️.is 🔗kun


YES I understand that fag

but why create fake renditons MORE THAN one to confuse the normies, why not just the one and stick with it if it is a rendetion regardig such a serious issue.

So tell me why the different "images" of the moon?

Please do tell
