From last bread.
I'm waiting for that day to farm too.
I'm from a long line of farmers but as long as land is high and chemical farming is the norm I want nothing to do with it.
When they stop spraying their fucking chemicals every year and stop poisoning everything I will rejoice.
People just DO NOT UNDERSTAND that soil is abundantly alive in only the top 6" or so and that the chemicals kill off the soil, then leach down, eventually running into the Dead Zone of the Gulf of Mexico, leaving behind dead soil that struggles to recover from toxic yearly assaults, eventually resulting in fields that yield a percentage of their potential.
Rivers run beneath our feet.... rivers of poison in ag country right now. Pour some water into a bucket of sand and watch it run out the bottom. That's precisely what happens here.
If you're observant you can see sinks in the fields where all the water from surrounding hills disappears after the rains.
Arden Andersen, Niel Kinsey, Albrecht, and others in that line of great men are the ones I respect and wish to follow in their footsteps.
The current business model of chemical farming MUST collapse, just because of the damage that is being done, to the soil and to people nationwide. However, there is only a very short window of opportunity every year to collapse the business model without severe repercussions. Think about the middle of June to the middle of September, before farmers have made their decisions for the next year and after farmers have made their chemical applications for the current year. Seed availability is also an issue.
>it might explain your apparent inner calmness.
That, and being raised by two mentally ill parents. I've seen it all plus some and kept my own nose clean.
I've been told that I have the best of both worlds in today's world... because none of this mind-control crap affects me that I'm aware of. Hypnosis has absolutely no effect.
I can talk to nearly any hearing person as I lipread very well... yet I can take my hearing aids off and go to sleep in a world without sound.
There's some real benefits... but some real disadvantages as well.
>fuse box to circuit breaker conversion
No surprise.... Every one that I've seen has been screwed up if it's very old.