Harry Reid's letter to Comey is here
https:// saraacarter.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Reid-Letter-to-Comey.pdf
http:// archive.is/6wqJs
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Harry Reid's letter to Comey is here
https:// saraacarter.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Reid-Letter-to-Comey.pdf
http:// archive.is/6wqJs
archive it offline
been thinking
that one line
>The truth - to know - will be yours
that sounds so tempting and at first it was an "I can't wait" type of thing
when it comes down to it
we won't care what really happened
we have plenty of truth
we'll of course use what we got to keep the US out of civil war
it'll work if God wants that to work
likely - very very very likely - there will be no smidgen of a civil conflict (only appearance thereof a la antifa, etc.)
the church is our mission. unity in Christianity.
bag it and tag it
https:// amp.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/mar/29/jeff-sessions-rejects-call-second-special-counsel/
http:// archive.is/3UBqN
“these criminals approach us at church or through associations at our work or referrals from friends. They are silver-tongued devils—wolves in sheep’s clothing who will take our money and we’ll never see it again.”
THE Vatican sealed off part of St Peter's Basilica after chunks of plaster rained down on worshippers at the height of the Easter holiday season.
No one was injured by the falling plaster, which fell near Michelangelo's famed Pieta statue, near the main entrance.
https:// www.thesun.co.uk/news/5934572/vatican-worshippers-showered-with-falling-chunks-of-plaster-from-ceiling-of-st-peters-basilica/
http:// archive.is/FATDo