Anonymous ID: 6a9b7b March 10, 2020, 7:15 a.m. No.8367206   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7232 >>7235


Rep. Doug Collins: House Won’t Have Enough Votes for ‘Clean’ FISA Reauthorization


Rep. Doug Collins (R-Ga.) said on March 8 he believes Congress does not have sufficient votes for the reauthorization of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) this week, and that he thinks it is a “good thing.”


When questioned Sunday on whether the House will have the votes to clear a “clean” FISA by the looming March 15 deadline, the ranking member on the House Judiciary Committee said, “No, I don’t think we do, and I think that’s a good thing.”


“I think that’s good for the president,” Collins told Fox Business anchor Maria Bartiromo. “I think that’s good for the country … People have lost trust in the Department of Justice. They’ve lost trust in the FISA court.”


The role of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court has become a subject of controversy.


President Donald Trump’s supporters have called for a FISA reform after the Justice Department’s Inspector General Michael Horowitz in December issued a scathing report that faulted the FBI for “at least 17 significant errors and omissions” in applications submitted to the court when it sought to wiretap Trump’s former campaign adviser Carter Page as part of its investigation into alleged contacts between Trump’s campaign and Russia.


“In my position, I think the House’s position, and actually the president has mentioned this as well, is now is our time to actually look at what needs to happen with the court itself, so that we don’t get another Carter Page, we don’t get another president, like President Trump as a candidate and as president was attacked by a rogue cabal at the DOJ abusing the FISA process,” Collins said.