Anonymous ID: 892777 March 10, 2020, 6 a.m. No.8366727   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>And he asks, why he isn't arrested yet.

Diplomatic immunity? Because he is following orders and/or serving a purpose for the real Q by leading blackhats astray? Shell game. Indictment sealed? Or, the plan failed and he is following orders as a plan B wind down of the operation in order to leave the real Q untouched and intact?

>Who is this outlandish guy? I don't know, Just a little too clean cut IMHO. Those who know cannot sleep. I don't see any bags under his eyes.

>Did you watch the whole vid?


>He will be SF commander too…

Saw that. HQ in Arizona no less. As POTUS would say, "We'll see".