Anonymous ID: a19e84 March 10, 2020, 6:29 a.m. No.8366914   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6963

Master, president, god? On the trail of Peru's mysterious new political power broker


In Peru’s capital, a group dressed in biblical-style robes, veils, and sandals gathered one recent Sunday night to celebrate an unlikely victory: their congregation had overnight become a major force in the country’s new Congress. One by one, a dozen of those who had run for office paraded on stage, thanking their "master" and party president Ezequiel Jonas Ataucusi Molina, who is sometimes revered as a god.


"In 2021, our master will be president!" proclaimed Esther Yovera, alluding to presidential elections next year.


Ataucusi has ruled the secretive Christian group behind the party for 20 years but has been seen in public just once. Most followers have never met him and so little is known about his day-to-day whereabouts and activities that his sister and some followers have previously gone to the police to report him missing.


The rise of this fringe party, the Agricultural People’s Front of Peru (Frepap), is one of the effects of a political upheaval in the copper-rich country that has toppled much of the ruling class - leaving an enigmatic religious leader in charge of the country’s no. 3 legislative force.


"As president of our party, he can propose laws, and that’s what we are here for, to make them happen," said Maria Teresa Cespedes, one of 15 Frepap lawmakers who will be sworn in later this month. While Frepap ran in January’s election on a secular platform focused on stronger labor laws and more congressional accountability, over a dozen followers told Reuters that the party’s mission is religious at heart.


"Strategically, it is to show the world that we are the chosen people," said Isai Huanaco, who has been part of the church since birth and ran unsuccessfully for Congress.


The church, called the Israelite Mission of the New Universal Pact, has for 50 years preached strict Bible adherence, while proclaiming that Peru’s most powerful pre-Columbian indigenous people, the Incas, were blessed by the Judeo-Christian God. Its followers have been encouraged to wear robes and colonize remote lands in Peru’s rainforest.


Now, their mysterious leader wields potentially significant political power, but his agenda remains unknown. Frepap’s elected lawmakers have been noncommittal on potential alliances with other parties while Ataucusi, who has made no known political statements, remains silent.




The church was founded by Ataucusi’s father, Ezequiel Ataucusi Gamonal, an indigenous Peruvian who worked as a carpenter and said God spoke to him in a series of revelations. The elder Ataucusi was a natural orator with a catchy cadence, who founded Frepap in 1989 and ran unsuccessfully for president thrice. After he died in 2000, his followers venerated his corpse for three days, awaiting his resurrection.


That’s when the younger Ataucusi took the helm, aged 28. He spoke for four minutes at his inaugural ceremony. Then he was not seen again.