Tanks Bakes
Gavin Newsome
Until 1971 when Nixon closed the gold window
the dollar could be swapped for gold at $35/oz for international central banks only. Gold ownership in the population was heavily regulated. The 1960's spending binge on the Vietnam War and the Moon Landings lead European nations, primarily France, to make a run on the bank (even though we fought the Vietnam War to bail out the fucking French). Soon gold was pouring out of the country and the dollar was in trouble. Inflation surged. Nixon closed the gold window.
By 1980 floating paper currencies were wreaking havoc. The Reagan admin got the Saudis to agree to sell oil in dollars only. This meant every country on the planet that wanted to buy oil, needed to buy dollars. Between Volker's crushing interest rates, dollar/oil trade, and Reagan's tax cuts, Inflation cratered and the economy took off, crashed in 1982 as high interest rate/inflation hedges blew up and the dollar became so strong that trade began to collapse.
That's all I feel like writing now.
Awfully risque for the Amish
>you should see how the whole sequence played out with Dan (You) & Potus posting it in the bread
Yeah, fuck me. I was fighting on half/pol, went to the hedge for some article and saw the post there.
Came here straight away.
Lesson anons, always keep the /qr tab open and moving.
Well, as a plasma universe guy, we've got the gulf stream, constant plasma storms and electromagnetic interference. Guidance systems electronics go haywire and the compass lies, and bad shit happens (water spouts, giant gas bubbles, planes run out of fuel, radio fails).
My 2 cents. YMMV
CheK'M quads
>This is the origin of the drama we now see.
>The HUNTERS of underage sex partners have now become the HUNTED!!!
Regardless, it's great fan fiction. And a pR0n movie at the same time. What more could a young anon want.
>Was rooting for him to get some kind
>of vindication but another scam
Yeah. He seemed somewhat sincere on Tucker Friday. Maybe the website owners fucked him over.
>In this case, the virus being HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS @ > 6' distance is the violence.You don't want to get this shit because then you could be on a list….
I keep seeing lately it has an R0=2. My research shows an R0>3. Italy and Iran have been doubling quickly. And Wops are dropping faster than towel heads. Must be the cigarrettes, IMHO. Although Milan and north have some 70,000 ChiCom nationals living there. Since we get no info on deaths except age sometimes, it's hard to form a conclusion.
Sad that it hit the Westchester area here though…well not sad…kinda ironic mostly.
Obozo care
Felony unless patient oks it.
No newsie is gonna even speculate lest he get sued into the dirt. CPAC attendees tend to be wealthy and very connected.
I suspect this is already
Fuck the mother fucking Patriot Act!
911 bullshit!
People want some fucking results from POTUS!!!!!
Here ya go half/pol niggers!
That's from yesterday though. Was POTUS statement there? I just sped through it, did not see it.
>Spring break forever: List of universities canceling classes or implementing remote study
Taking down the university system?
Fuckin A, I gotta say, the Q team game planned everything.
>AMLO’s New National Guardsmen Accused of Narco-Extortion in Mexican Border State
Why not, the Federales do it all the time.
>Russia / China?
They may have fired all of their ammo.
A little too early.
Seems October would be a better time to release a contagious viral pnemonia. ChiComs have itchy trigger fingers?
Canadian bust expose them?
Q team getting ready to act?
>the reason you Rig for Red is so you can see in the dark better
Pirates used an eye patch for the same reason.
>Trump has arrived on the Hill for the Senate GOP lunch to talk over ideas to bolster economy in face of coronavirus fears. I circled Trump's lead Secret Service agent, just because.
They try to paint POTUS as a racist by showing his top security cop is Asian? WT everloving Fuck! is wrong with them?
These people are stupid.
>One thing, Crisco is cooking oil?
>~Muh Britfag
No bong. It's a nasty hydrogenated fetid vegetable fat that will kill you quick. Designed during WWII to be used as axyl grease. After the war the makers got laws changed to sell it as a substitute for lard.