>"We're really sorry we fucked your entire life up intentionally from an early age with MKUltra "therapy sessions" and general mind control, putting you on a course for failure on purpose so you wouldn't be a threat and using our Stasi programs to constantly fuck with you. But unleashing the power of the suppressed technology we keep underground and in space, programs that generations of American tax dollars were stolen to create and things previous incarnations of you probably helped design, would be socialism. In fact, compensation in any shape or form would be socialism. You can't blame us because it's mean and muh bootstraps. But we're totally on your side, trust us because we've been shown to be totally trustworthy in the past. Don't worry, just wageslave for 50 years lmao."
I still don't have one reason why this this isn't exactly what's happening. 'Look within' is a bullshit cop-out non-answer.