Anonymous ID: 4d194f March 10, 2020, 3:33 p.m. No.8371043   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1064 >>1123

Was listening to Judge Nap (I know, I know) saying that the criteria for legal detention (quarantine) is very high. The Supreme Courts decisions on this appear to me that a widespread quarantine without a specific and individual diagnosis of imminent contagion is not lawful.

So how would this play out if a non presenting person defied it and headed for work, was stopped at a check point and arrested for violating an unlawful order, having been denied due process on his "detention" in quarantine?

A couple of things come to mind. Someone with a knowledge of the unlawful nature of said quarantine calls bullshit and resists the (unlawful) arrest, or runs the roadblock? What if lethal force is used from either party, one defending their constitutional right to resist unlawful imprisonment and denial of due process, the other using lethal force to enforce an unlawful order.

This could get fuggly really quick, and incredibly expensive for the agency issuing the unlawful order when they get the shit sued out of them individually and collectively.


What would anon's do if ordered to stay indoors under quarantine?

Anonymous ID: 4d194f March 10, 2020, 3:42 p.m. No.8371128   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Somewhat analogous to this is working in the deep boonies, alone & far from men, with a job that absolutely must be accomplished, and right now. When problems arise, no excuses are tolerated.


That's the job description of an NRCS soil scientist doing initial survey's in remote regions of the American west. Good work if you can get it. And they give you a 4wd and a gas card!