Anonymous ID: 8d7754 March 10, 2020, 3:06 p.m. No.8370785   🗄️.is 🔗kun


bum rap: a false charge

bum wrap: well that would something else

i guess my joke just went 'thud'


PS: I don't know but I feel more that Charlie isn't someone who ever needed to force anyone, he had a look in 1985 that if he were interested in gay stuff, he wouldn't have had any problem.

but in 85 he would have been worried about AIDS. And Crisco doesn't protect against that . . .

seriously doubt that it was him but how would I know except a sense that Sheen doesn't do that.

He seems like one who pays the help, doesn't force himself. He's never needed to has he? Plus if we was he'd have been a major closet case and would have sought out guys in places back then were it was anonymous, way out in the woods at a quary or somewhere, a mile from any parking .


But what do I know.

Anonymous ID: 8d7754 March 10, 2020, 3:21 p.m. No.8370940   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0958

If POTUS says no more payroll withholding, who immediately looses a cash flow? This action might cripple some apparatus of the Deep State.

I don't know enough about it.

anyone have any ideas if some office somewhere suddenly goes begging?

Anonymous ID: 8d7754 March 10, 2020, 3:44 p.m. No.8371142   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The Turkish dictatorship is what is in danger unless they curtail Erdogens rampage of spoiled-brat-kid 'give me more money' subhumanization of populations in distress.

Erdogen is in danger of at least being considered one of the most self-entitled child-minded product of the cabal matriarchy of at least the last year or so (time does seem to pass much quicker these days).

Greeks have survived the Turks for centuries. They will endure.