Anonymous ID: f932cb March 10, 2020, 2:36 p.m. No.8370492   🗄️.is 🔗kun



When you go outside and look around have you seen any corona virus patients?


Are there people dropping in the street that you have seen for yourself?


Are people complaining of their family members dying?


Did you know the average age of those dying is 80?


Did you know the normal flu has killed more people this year than Corona virus?


Are you panicking?


Are you fearful?


Where did you get that from?


Government / TV / Social Media?


What does government mean?

Anonymous ID: f932cb March 10, 2020, 2:39 p.m. No.8370514   🗄️.is 🔗kun

An Overview on PFAS Chemicals and Microplastic Pollution


Over time, the evolution of consumerism has driven big companies into looking for cheaper ways for producing basic items like packaging, cleaning products, cookware and in some cases, even cosmetics. This means that the materials used are often combined with toxic chemicals that end up not only polluting our air and water but posing a real threat to human health. Unfortunately, because there still is a high demand for these items, mass production doesn’t seem to stop anytime soon and the amount of pollution emerging from it just grows higher. From production fumes released from factories that contribute greatly to the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere to chemicals being released in soil and contaminating our groundwater to the alarming problem of our nonbiodegradable waste that just keeps growing, with no real means of actually being able to recycle it or to dispose of it in a non-polluting way.


Awareness campaigns have started to spread more easily through mainstream media and social networks, and ultimately ended up on the big screen with motion pictures like Dark Waters that talks about the PFAS contamination of the water systems in the U.S and the recent Netflix Docu-Series Broken, which raises the problem of plastic and microplastic pollution.

Understanding Plastic and Microplastic Pollution


Over the past couple of years, the problem of plastic that basically started to slowly cover our planet has been raised by numerous environmental activists, who are trying to put into perspective the alarmingly growing rate of plastic being used for tons of packaging materials that are non-recyclable and impossible to dispose of without polluting the air.


Netflix’s Broken series, episode four – “Recycling Sham” illustrates in a chilling succession of images and interviews how growing consumerism has made the world we live in more dangerous, by slowly breaking it down.


Plastic production exploded over the last few decades, with manufacturing doubling every decade. There is an estimate of about 380 million tons of plastic being produced each year, and there are thousands of different kinds of plastic that make recycling extremely difficult. Basically, there are 7 different groups of plastic out of each only two are actually recyclable. For what concerns the rest of them, most of it just accumulates. Because the materials that are used in plastics often are toxic, this makes it extremely difficult to dispose of them in a way that won’t lead to toxic pollution and therefore put human health at more risks.

Anonymous ID: f932cb March 10, 2020, 3:19 p.m. No.8370910   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1010

Central Banking Is Socialism! - Dr. Ron Paul


Last week, the Federal Reserve responded to Wall Street’s coronavirus panic with an “emergency” interest rate cut. This emergency cut failed to revive the stock market, leading to predictions that the Fed will again cut rates later this month.


More rate cuts would drive interest rates to near, or even below, zero. Lowering interest rates punishes people for saving, thus encouraging consumers and businesses to spend every penny they make. This may give the economy a short-term boost. But, it inhibits long-term economic growth by depleting the savings necessary for investments in businesses and jobs. The result of this policy will be more pressure on the Fed to indefinitely maintain low interest rates and on the Congress and president to create another explosion of government “stimulus” spending.


Boston Federal Reserve President Eric Rosengren has suggested that Congress allow the Federal Reserve to add assets of private companies to the Fed’s already large balance sheet. Allowing the central bank to buy assets of, and thus assume a partial ownership interest in, private companies would give the Federal Reserve even greater influence over the economy. It could also allow the Fed to advance a political agenda by, for example, favoring investment in “green energy” companies over other companies or refusing to purchase assets of retailers who sell firearms or tobacco products.


Mr. Rosengren’s proposal to allow the central bank to “invest,” in private companies seems like something one would hear from democratic socialists like Senator Bernie Sanders. This is not surprising since the entire Federal Reserve system is a textbook example of socialism.


The essence of socialist economics is government allocation of resources either by seizing direct control of the “means of production” or by setting prices business can charge. Federal Reserve manipulation of interest rates is an attempt to set the price of money. Federal Reserve attempts to set interest rates distort the signals sent by the rates to investors and business. This results in a Fed-created boom, which is inevitably followed by a Fed-created bust.


Economic elites benefit when the Federal Reserve pumps new money into the economy because they have access to the money created before there are widespread price increases. Artificially low interest rates also facilitate the growth of the welfare-warfare state.


The Federal Reserve’s inflationary policies harm the average American by eroding the dollar’s purchasing power. This forces consumers to rely on credit cards and other forms of debt to maintain their standard of living. Many Americans are unable to afford their own homes because they are saddled with student loan debt that can even exceed their income.


Since the bailouts of 2008, there has been a growing understanding that the current system is rigged in favor of the elites and against the average American. Unfortunately, popular confusion of our system of Keynesian neoliberalism with a free-market economy, combined with a widespread entitlement mentality, has led many Americans to support increasing government control of our economy.


The key to beating back the rising support for socialism on both the left and right is helping more people understand that big government and central banking are the cause of their problems and that free markets in all areas — and especially in money — is the solution. It is important that the liberty movement put pressure on Congress to cut spending and rein in or, better yet, end the Fed.

Anonymous ID: f932cb March 10, 2020, 3:20 p.m. No.8370934   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0981 >>1000 >>1023 >>1042

Petition Accusing Pornhub of Hosting Sex Trafficking, Rape Films Garners Over 400,000 Signatures


An online petition on accusing open access porn site Pornhub of hosting sex trafficking and child rape films recently gained the support of nearly 430,000 individuals.


The petition, which was started by a group called Exodus Cry dedicated to stopping sex trafficking, presently has a goal of 500,000 signatures. According to the petition’s organizers, Pornhub is making millions of dollars in advertising and membership fees but has “no system in place to verify reliably the age or consent of those featured in the pornographic content it hosts and profits from.”


The petition also notes how a 15-year-old girl - who had been missing for a year - was eventually found being featured in 58 videos on PornHub, where she was being forced into having sex with her trafficker, who is currently facing a lewd battery felony charge. The petition claims that Pornhub even admitted to verifying the teenager; however, when Pornhub realized that it was admitting to being complicit in a sex trafficking case, it deleted the tweets stating that the girl had been verified.


The campaigners also cite the $12.7 million lawsuit against company GirlsDoPorn after 22 women were tricked by its owner, Michael Pratt, into performing sexual acts on video that were later uploaded to Pornhub without their consent.


The US federal indictment against Pratt and his co-conspirators states that he filmed “child rape and sexual abuse content and trafficked a minor.”


“But there are other individuals who should also be wanted by law enforcement — CEO Feras Antoon and COO David Tassillo of Mindgeek, the company that owns Pornhub,” the petition states, noting that these individuals are “complicit in the trafficking of these women and minors and probably thousands more like them.”


According to Exodus Cry, anyone can become verified on Pornhub without even presenting a government-issued ID. In fact, all that is required to become a verified member on Pornhub and be allowed to upload pornography is an email address and a photo of oneself, the petition says.


In addition, the petition explains that one of the most searched words on Pornhub is “teen,” with many of the women featured under this category looking very young.


In a statement to the Guardian, Mindgeek refuted the claims that it is complicit in sex trafficking and child rape.


“Pornhub has a steadfast commitment to eradicating and fighting non-consensual content and under-age material. Any suggestion otherwise is categorically and factually inaccurate,” the statement reads.


The petition comes as US Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE) urged the US Department of Justice (DoJ) on Tuesday to launch an investigation into the allegations that Pornhub hosts videos of sex trafficking victims and children. In a letter to the government agency, Sasse wrote that the “publicized cases clearly represent just the tip of the iceberg of women and children being exploited in videos on Pornhub.”


The official further stressed that “Pornhub must not escape scrutiny."

Anonymous ID: f932cb March 10, 2020, 3:29 p.m. No.8371011   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1039 >>1042 >>1156

Bernie, Biden Cancel Ohio Rallies Due to Coronavirus Fears


Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden both cancelled rallies scheduled for Tuesday night in Cleveland, Ohio due to Coronavirus fears.


CNBC reported:


Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden’s presidential campaigns canceled rallies set for Cleveland on Tuesday night due to coronavirus concerns, the first disruptions the outbreak has caused in the 2020 Democratic primary.


In separate announcements, the Democratic presidential contenders’ campaigns said they exercised caution about holding large public gatherings after hearing guidance from public health officials. Both the Sanders and Biden campaigns thanked supporters who planned to attend the events on a crucial day in the race to decide who faces President Donald Trump in November.


In a statement, Sanders communications director Mike Casca said the Vermont senator’s campaign will evaluate future events “on a case by case basis.”


Biden communications director Kate Bedingfield said the Democratic front-runner still plans to address the press Tuesday night at a location to be announced. She added that the campaign will “make announcements about future events in the coming days.”


Democrats are voting in six states today.


Here are poll closing times, based on Central time:


Washington – 10 p.m. CT

Michigan – 8 p.m.; 7 p.m. for counties in Central time zone.

Missouri – 7 p.m. CT

Mississippi – 7 p.m. CT

Idaho – 10 p.m. CT

North Dakota – 7 p.m. CT