Anonymous ID: fc1168 March 10, 2020, 3:59 p.m. No.8371262   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1270 >>1293 >>1297 >>1318 >>1383 >>1445 >>1603 >>1787 >>1828

Asshole at it again Anons, don’t take the bait, and really who thinks he’s a comedian


Patton Oswalt Imagines Trump Supporters Dying from Coronavirus


Comedian-actor Patton Oswalt posted a tweet on Tuesday in which he imagined supporters of President Donald Trump dying from coronavirus.


The Ratatouille star joked that “MAGA” supporters infected with COVID-19 would be obsessed with the media’s treatment of President Trump as they coughed themselves to death.


Oswalt was responding to an unsubstantiated claim that President Trump has asked Attorney General William Barr to launch a Justice Department investigation into the media’s coverage of the coronavirus.


Vanity Fair’s Gabriel Sherman recently cited an “anonymous source close to the White House” who alleges that President Trump “wants Justice to open investigations of the media for market manipulation.” But the Vanity Fair report never says that the president asked Barr to launch such an investigation, as Oswalt’s retweet claims.


Patton Oswalt said in December that every person who voted for and still supports President Trump is a “stupid asshole.”


“The President is a stupid asshole and if you voted for him you’re a stupid asshole and if you still support him you’re a stupid asshole,” the Hollywood star tweeted. “Oh no this Tweet is going to make all the stupid assholes not like me waaaaah.”

Anonymous ID: fc1168 March 10, 2020, 4:18 p.m. No.8371437   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1603 >>1787 >>1828

how to God are they making excuses fir Biden, doesn’t anyone understand Obama will ne the president again? Oh yeah, they do, that’s why their propping up this old angry fool


I guess President Trump is not allowed to have a “human moment”


Rep. Dingell says Biden had a 'human moment' during profane argument with auto worker about guns


Rep. Debbie Dingell, D-Mich., told “Outnumbered Overtime” Tuesday that former Vice President Joe Biden had a “human moment” when he got into a heated argument with a worker at a Fiat-Chrysler auto plant in Detroit after the man accused the Democratic presidential candidate of trying to take away his Second Amendment rights.


“We’re all human and we’ve seen the president does that a lot, and I think he [Biden] had a human moment,” Dingell told host Harris Faulkner on Tuesday.


The dispute, caught on camera, took place as Biden stumped for votes in Michigan, the biggest prize among the states holding Democratic presidential primaries Tuesday with 125 delegates at stake.

Anonymous ID: fc1168 March 10, 2020, 4:39 p.m. No.8371647   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1787 >>1828

Iran willing to let people die of the corona virus to get out the vote! Amazing stats that 7.9% of parliament gets the virus. An example of why this country needs to be freed from the mullahs


The leadership, from the beginning, vowed to punish any individuals who dared speak up about the scale of the problem, which officials said was akin to "spreading rumors."


Other Iranians expressed exasperation that some religious leaders were – rather than deterring people from gathering for prayers – advocating the healing qualities of visiting shrines. Nonetheless, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran's supreme leader, canceled his speech in celebration of the Persian New Year later this month. It had been scheduled to take place before a large crowd in Mashhad.


According to an analysis published this week by The Atlantic, as of the beginning of March, 7.9 percent of Iranian parliament members – 23 out of 290 – had contracted the virus. State media reports that each case was contracted from the official's home province, rather than passed on to and from each other.


Those figures, if applied to Iran's population, would come to 6.4 million cases.


Moreover, the article points out that Canada, Lebanon and the United Arab Emirates have also documented cases that had their origins in Iran. Several other nations, including Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Iraq, Pakistan, Oman, Qatar and Kuwait, have said that at least some of their cases also came from Iran.


International experts also expressed concern over the pariah country's ability to battle the outbreak.


"Iran has capable doctors and nurses, but a healthcare system depleted by poverty and sanctions," noted Ben Friedman, policy director at Defense Priorities. "The U.S. should have thoroughly relaxed sanctions to help Iranian citizens cope as soon as the virus hit."


Others were somewhat more scathing toward the top brass of Tehran. Jason Brodsky, policy director at United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI), underscored that "the Iranian government has thus far been its own worst enemy."


"There is a pending U.S. offer of assistance, which has been reportedly conveyed to Tehran through the Swiss embassy. Instead of accepting, Iran is deflecting," he continued. "It's accusing the U.S. government of using the coronavirus as a biological weapon. There is a precedent for the U.S. sending assistance to Iran during natural disasters, such as during the 2003 Bam earthquake during the Bush administration."


Earlier this month, U.S. officials extended an olive branch to assist the nemesis nation in its response to the epidemic, but to date Tehran has dismissed external intervention.


Despite the grim scenario, many healthcare workers in the pathogen-ravaged regions of Tehran are bravely purporting to lighten the mood by posting an array of fun-filled dance performances. In a series of clips posted online in recent weeks, medical staff donning surgical masks and scrubs – their identities clearly disguised given the regime's prohibition on such music and movements – can be seen moving and twirling to Persian pop tracks

Anonymous ID: fc1168 March 10, 2020, 4:56 p.m. No.8371797   🗄️.is 🔗kun

National Guard Sent into New York Suburb to Control Virus


National Guard coming out anons


New York's governor announced Tuesday he is sending the National Guard into a New York City suburb to help fight what is believed to be the nation's biggest cluster of coronavirus cases — one of the most dramatic actions yet to control the outbreak in the U.S.


The move came as health authorities contended with alarming bunches of infections on both sides of the country and scattered cases in between.


Schools, houses of worship and large gathering places will be closed for two weeks in a “containment area” centered in New Rochelle, and the troops will scrub surfaces and deliver food to the zone, which extends a mile in all directions from a point near a synagogue connected to some of the cases, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said.


“It is a dramatic action, but it is the largest cluster of cases in the country,” he said. “The numbers are going up unabated, and we do need a special public health strategy."


New Rochelle and surrounding Westchester County account for at least 108 cases out of 173 statewide. New York City, with 100 times the population of New Rochelle, has 36 known infections.


In Oakland, California, meanwhile, thousands of increasingly bored and restless passengers aboard a cruise ship struck by the coronavirus waited their turn to get off the vessel and go to U.S. military bases or back to their home countries for two weeks of quarantine. In Washington state, where at least 19 deaths have been connected to a Seattle-area nursing home, Gov. Jay Inslee announced new rules for screening health care workers and limiting visitors.


“If we assume there are 1,000 or more people who have the virus today … the number of people who are infected will double in five to eight days,” he warned.


On Wall Street, stocks climbed higher during the day, recouping some of their staggering losses from the day before. The United Nations closed its headquarters in New York to the public and suspended all guided tours.


The virus has infected over 700 people in the U.S. and killed at least 27, with one state after another recording its first infections in quick succession. New Jersey reported ts first coronavirus death Tuesday. Worldwide, nearly 120,000 have been infected and over 4,200 have died.


For most people, the virus causes only mild or moderate symptoms such as fever and cough. For some, especially older adults and people with existing health problems, it can cause more severe illness, including pneumonia. Most people recover in a matter of weeks, as has happened with three-quarters of those infected in mainland China.


In California, passengers from the coronavirus-stricken Grand Princess were allowed off the vessel and walked to the bottom of a ramp, where masked officials in yellow protective gear and blue plastic gloves took their temperature and led them to a tent for more screening before they lined up to board a bus.


Authorities said foreign passengers would be flown home, while Americans would be flown or bused to military bases in California, Texas and Georgia for testing and 14-day quarantines.


After days of being forced to idle off the Northern California coast, the ship docked Monday at Oakland with about 3,500 passengers and crew, including at least 21 who tested positive for the new virus.