And how is the Catholic church any better you piece of trash?
How many millions did they kill during the Inquisition?
MANY MANY more then you can imagine.
And what about the Muslims?
What religion does not kill for some anon God?
You have been severely deceived.
I hate cults and I hate New Age but YOU are not to judge others.
They have a right to practice whatever religion they want = religious freedom.
YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO JUDGE AND REJECT THEIR MESSAGE SIMPLY BECAUSE YOU BELIEVE THEY ARE TAROT NEW AGE. Does man comprehend the pineal gland and all the hidden powers he has? No. Why? Chem-trail spraying, poisoning of the food and water, ozone depletion, oxygen depletion, global warming and more, with governments making it worse. Humanity is heading for destruction, so stop playing games. We want the truth and we want it now! GO AIM GO!!
Get lost fags.